[nabs-l] Fw: APH News, December 2009

Robert Jaquiss rjaquiss at earthlink.net
Thu Dec 3 22:15:05 UTC 2009


     I am forwarding the December issue of the APH newsletter. I thought 
particularly interesting the item regarding the adaptation of some science 
posters. APH needs feedback ASAP.


Robert Jaquiss

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Malcolm Turner" <mturner at aph.org>
To: <aphinfo at iglou.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 1:05 PM
Subject: APH News, December 2009

Your monthly link to the latest information on the products, services, and 
training opportunities from the American Printing House for the Blind.

**Please visit our December issue, now posted on our website:


Click on the above link or copy and paste it into your favorite web browser.

**This Month's Headlines:
* Reader's Digest Subscribers' Alert
* APH President Receives Award
* Field Evaluators Needed!
* Math Teachers Love the Geometro
* New on the APH Website
* Fall Harvest Sale
* New Products from APH
* APH Travel Calendar
* ...and much more!

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You joined this list because you wanted to receive email information about 
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otherwise give away your email address to anybody. Ever. End of story.

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The purpose of this mailing list is to provide customers of the
American Printing House for the Blind (APH) with the latest products
and services information. You will receive only one regular mailing (the APH 
News) each month.  There may also be occasional mailings of important, 
time-sensitive notices, but they will be rare.

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    unsubscribe aphinfo

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Malcolm Turner
APH Website Coordinator

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