[nabs-l] Web Browser Accessibility

Chelsea Cook astrochem119 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 30 19:58:25 UTC 2009

Hi Denna,
  I have used FireFox when my IE is down.  It works well with 
JAWS version 9 and up, but has its quirks: Some of the keystrokes 
are different (Control L for open versus Control O), but if you 
read the Help files you get used to it.  The only thing I really 
don't like is the find command: It never seems to want to move me 
on a page.  I have not used any of the other browsers you 
Just my thought,
"I ask you to look both ways.  For the road to a knowledge of the 
stars leads through the atom; and important knowledge of the atom 
has been reached through the stars."
Sir Arthur Eddington, British astrophysicist (1882-1944), Stars 
and Atoms (1928), Lecture 1

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