[nabs-l] NFB Youth SLAM Blog and Twitter

Peter Donahue pdonahue1 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 28 19:36:08 UTC 2009

Good afternoon everyone,

    For those interested in the goings on at the second NFB Youth SLAM you 
can keep up with the latest happenings by following the NFB Youth SLAM on 
Twitter, or by visiting the NFB Youth SLAM blog to read student accounts of 
their experiences at this great activity. Their URLS art listed below:

Follow the 2009 National Federation of the Blind Youth SLAM on Twitter at:

        Visit the2009 NFB Youth SLAM Blog at:

    Happy slamming.

Peter Donahue

 "Will you come and awake our lost land from its slumber
      And her fetters we'll break, links that long are encumbered.
      And the air will resound with hosannas to greet you
      On the shore will be found gallant Irishmen to greet you."
Will You Come to the Bower
Traditional Irish Folk Song

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