[nabs-l] A 32 GB SD Card for the Victor Streem

T. Joseph Carter carter.tjoseph at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 12:47:37 UTC 2009

They don't make "regular SD" in capacities higher than 4GB.  
Technically, "regular SD" should not be bigger than 2GB, but some 
non-spec 4GB SD cards do exist.  The Stream doesn't like them.  It's 
not possible to have larger non-spec cards, so a 32GB card is 
guaranteed to be SDHC.


On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 02:29:57PM -0600, Lora wrote:
>I believe you can but it can't be a regular SD card. It has to be a high
>capacity SD card hth

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