[nabs-l] Looking to Borrow/Obtain Braille Material

Monika Reinholz monika_r_r at hotmail.com
Sun May 3 17:20:00 UTC 2009

Hello all,
For those who do not know me, My name is Monika Reinholz. I am a 28 year old sighted Colorado member of the NFB. I have recently begun learning to read and write Braille, though I have been learning it slowly since 2005. I am a volunteer at the Colorado Springs Independence Center, assisting the Vision Specialist on Wednesday mornings while also taking her Braille Intruction class. I was hoping someone would know how I could go about obtaining braille books and instruction materials for me to borrow so I can practice what I learn along with learning new Braille. All the lending libraries and similar places I've found have rules on who is eligible for their services, and I am not eligible from what I've read and seen. I would like to eventually get good enough and obtain the materials needed in order to take the classes to become a Braille transcriber. If you could assist me in my educational process in learning Braille, it would be extremely appreciated.
Thank you so very much.
Monika Reinholz
NFB-CO Colorado Springs chapter Board member
CABS members

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