[nabs-l] FW: Pa. university to give all students iPads
Joe Orozco
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Posted At: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 2:02 PM
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Subject: Pa. university to give all students iPads
Pa. university to give all students iPads
Even though Apple's iPad has yet to hit store shelves, the small Seton Hill
University plans to give all full-time students an iPad starting in the
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March 30, 2010 11:02 AM PDT
Pa. university to give all students iPads
by Don Reisinger <http://www.cnet.com/profile/dd13reis/>
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Apple iPad
The iPad: coming to a university near you.
(Credit: Apple)
It hasn't even launched yet and already Apple's iPad is catching the eye of
Pennsylvania-based Seton Hill University, which has an enrollment of about
2,100, announced <http://www.setonhill.edu/ipad/> on Tuesday that starting
fall semester, all full-time students will receive an iPad tablet device in
an effort to boost learning ability and technical know-how.
"The iPad initiative kicks off the university's Griffin Technology Advantage
Program," the school wrote on its iPad page. "This new program provides
students with the best in technology and collaborative learning tools,
ensuring that Seton Hill students will be uniquely suited to whatever
careers they choose--even those that have not yet been created."
Seton Hill's Griffin Technology Advantage Program, which starts in the fall,
ensures that each student will receive the iPad, as well as a 13-inch
MacBook. Students can use the devices in class and for personal use. The
university even plans to replace the laptop with a new one every two years.
The products are owned by the students, which means they can take them after
Seton Hill believes that, with the help of both a laptop and the iPad, it
can create a "just-in-time learning environment" that enhances student
learning and hopefully helps them learn "technological skills [they will]
need in the 21st century workforce."
The university didn't say how it plans to use the iPad, but it's worth
noting that it made the decision prior to its launch.
ve-all-students-a/> TUAW)
Correction: Some references to Seton Hill University in this post were
initially misstated as Seton Hall University.
Don Reisinger is a technology columnist who has written about everything
from HDTVs to computers to Flowbee Haircut Systems. Don is a member of the
CNET Blog Network, and posts at The Digital
<http://www.cnet.com/digitalhome/> Home. He is not an employee of CNET.
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by amplitudeKOL <http://www.cnet.com/profile/amplitudeKOL/> March 30, 2010
11:15 AM PDT
OK.. simple mistake to make, but is it Seton HILL or Seton HALL because you
referenced both in the article. Seton Hill is in PA, Seton Hall is in NJ..
two different schools.
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by Renegade Knight <http://www.cnet.com/profile/Renegade+Knight/> March 30,
2010 11:30 AM PDT
Go to school on Apple, go to work on MicroSoft. Makes University sence to
me. They could just let the students pick their own laptop....rather than
charge for it in Tuition.
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