[nabs-l] game accessibility

Josh Kennedy jkenn337 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 14:34:14 UTC 2010


I Read this on another list and I thought I'd pass it along.

Hi Hayden,

If you are talking about segregation that is a thing of the past in
the U.S. However, descrimination is a totally different story.
Descrimination is, and probably always will be, the human way of
things.It seams most people have some sort of pinheaded descrimination
based on someone's sex, disability, race, religion, or nationality.

With us though there are times companies can get away with
descrimination simply because we don't have a large enough
organization to fight for things like accessible video games or basic
things like making companies like G.E. to produce talking microwaves
for the general market. the organizations we do have such as NFB seam
to pass right over such issues and they rarely if ever take up an
issue or cause I think needs to be addressed.

Perhaps if NFB, ACB, and AFB got together and seriously pushed for
accessible vidio games for the XBox, Play Station, and Wii that might
actually get those companies attention and bring them to the table at
least. However, that's just dreaming because those organizations seam
to not have any interest in taking up game accessibility as an
important issue.

However, that's not the only one where organizations like that have
completely failed us. there are hundreds of devices from Track Phones
to DVD Recorders that are totally inaccessible from an accessibility
standpoint, and the NFB and friends sit by and do nothing, say
nothing, and we are falling behind the technological revolution. There
is frankly no excuse for companies not to add text to speech and other
features to their phone, DVD Recorder, etc other than they wanted to
cut costs somewhere, and we as customers of such devices are

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