[nabs-l] Update from RFB&D on Read Hear app

Annemarie Cooke aec732 at msn.com
Mon Dec 20 18:21:11 UTC 2010

Dear NABS,
RFB&D ReadHear (free DAISY software) for PC does have variable speed control; the Mac version of ReadHear does not. For more information on ReadHear visit www.rfbd.org/readhear 
In reference to the “app”; RFB&D is currently working to develop an app to play DAISY content on the iPod touch, iPad and iPhone. We hope to have this application available in early 2011. The “app” will have variable speed control on the Apple products.  Visit www.rfbd.org/help for a complete list of FAQs and all your training and support needs.
 Hope to see you in DC next month!
Annemarie Cooke 		 	   		  

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