[nabs-l] Accessibility: Regarding New Facebook Format Changes
serenacucco at verizon.net
Sun Feb 14 18:58:06 UTC 2010
I think the more people start to only use m.facebook.com, the more the
Facebook people will really care about making the regular site accessible
cuz that site will lose our business!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Wassmer" <commanderlumpy2003 at earthlink.net>
To: "National Association of Blind Students mailing list"
<nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2010 12:54 AM
Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Accessibility: Regarding New Facebook Format Changes
I have to be honist. I don't even use facebooks site. I use m.facebook.com
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jordan Richardson" <lilrichie411 at gmail.com>
To: "Accessibility" <accessibility+0fqsjrr at support.facebook.com>
Cc: <president at nfb.org>
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 6:24 PM
Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Accessibility: Regarding New Facebook Format Changes
Concerning the new layout, there are some features that were made less
of a convenience. For example, the inbox, now only accessible from
the homepage, used to be in the top bar, thus accessible everywhere.
I, and many others as you will see when you look in the various groups
and fan pages, would like you to go back to the old format. This deal
with the top bar is one of those reasons.
On a blindness note, your site was generally easier to navigate under
the old site rather than the new site. The old site had everything in
a line such that the left column led to the middle column which in
turn led to the right column. Now, The left column leads to the right
column which leads to the middle column. This took me several tries
to figure out, and it still is an inconvenience. Plus, everything in
the right column used to be a heading so I could simply jump from
heading to heading to get to wherever it was I wanted to go. This new
site has become one big inconvenience for both sighted and blind
Furthermore, there was a poll about the new layout on facebook, and
the results showed that the majority of the people did not like the
new format. I advise you to look at resources like this when making
big decisions like changing the format of your site.
Thank you,
Jordan Richardson
lilrichie411 at gmail.com
On 09/02/2010, Accessibility <accessibility+0fqsjrr at support.facebook.com>
> Hi Jordan,
> We appreciate your email. In the recent changes to Facebook, we moved
> requests to #2 in the tab order on the page: you should be able to tab to
> it
> very quickly. We've also made all of the dynamic menus in the top
> navigation
> bar accessible via a keyboard or JAWS. We believe very strongly in
> building
> the best product for our users, and providing them with the best
> experience
> we can. We hope that you find value in the changes we've made and will
> continue to enjoy using Facebook.
> Thanks,
> Kristjan
> User Operations
> Facebook
> -----Original Message to Facebook-----
> From: lilrichie411 at gmail.com
> To: The Facebook Team
> Subject: Accessibility: Regarding New Facebook Format Changes
> Subject: Regarding New Facebook Format Changes
> Assistive Technology and Version: JAWS
> Description: Monday, February 8, 2010
> Dear Facebook administration,
> My name is Jordan Richardson and I am one of the many blind members of
> Facebook. I am e-mailing you regarding the recent change in format of the
> facebook site. This new format has made the already difficult navigation
> of
> your site even harder and more confusing. For example, with the screen
> reading software called Job Access With Speech (JAWS) and your site’s
> previous format all I had to do in order to get to requests was go the
> last
> heading (status) on the page and arrow down until I heard “requests.”
> This new format has not only blind users in an uproar, but many sighted
> users as well. As you will find when you look over your database several
> fanpages and groups have been created in opposition to this new format
> change. This is not, however, the only reason why many users are in an
> uproar. Many users of Facebook are in an uproar over the constant change
> in
> format. The problem with the blind users is that with each change, there
> has been something else that was made more difficult to navigate with any
> screen reading software.
> I am proposing, as many users will support, that you go back to the
> previous
> format of your site and keep it as it was. Many users are frustrated that
> just as they get used to a new format, your administration seems to change
> it. I suggest that you poll your users to find out what they want to see
> in
> Facebook. If you are already doing this, I suggest that you broaden your
> sample size.
> As you will find, many Facebook users are angry over the constant change
> in
> format of your site.
> Thank you,
> Jordan Richardson
> richa878 at umn.edu
> (763) 742-8792
> Also signed on:
> Em Clark
> Andy Nichols
> Carrie Gilmer
> David Bouchard
> Amanda Percy
> Charlotte Czarnecki
> Jessica Trask
> Chelsea Henrizi
> Aubrie Lucas
> Sylvia Stewart
> Kaylee Neal
> Brie Beck
> Loretta Weathersbee
> Nikole Wieringa Muriithi
> -----End Original Message to Facebook-----
Jordan Richardson
2nd Vice President, Minnesota Association of Blind Students
lilrichie411 at gmail.com
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."
--Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
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