[nabs-l] Greetings

Ashley Cwikla alc79 at drexel.edu
Wed Jul 21 03:16:44 UTC 2010

Hello to all

I'm Ashley, a former student who recently graduated with a Masters in higher education administration from Drexel University.

I am posting to this list to let students know that I am selling a BrailleNote mPower for $2,000 which I no longer need.  I used it for only 3 months so it still works like new.

It has a qwerty keyboard with a 40 sell display, bluetooth enabled and wireless connectivity among other features.

I figured I would post it on this list in case anybody is in search for a note taker for their college or high school studies.  Please do let me know of any other places to advertise this product.

Please do respond if you are interested in purchasing this device.

Thank you and looking forward to meeting you.

Ashley  Cwikla

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