[nabs-l] New Djd Invasion Show Available For Download

NabslinkAudioWebMaster djdrocks4ever at gmail.com
Tue Jun 8 07:19:02 UTC 2010

This is an automatic notification to let you know that a new show has been uploaded, and is now ready for you to download.

Title: The Nabs Conference Call For June 2010
Description: Come listen to or download this call and learn about the Nabs events that will be going on at this year's NFB National Convention in Dallas Texas. Find out how you can meet the Nabs board, participate in our yearly business meeting at convention, and so much more on this highly informative convention-related call. This will be our last Nabs conference call until August of 2010.

You can download the show directly at:

Alternatively you can visit the archive page at:


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