[nabs-l] Airlines and Federation History
Nicole B. Torcolini
ntorcolini at wavecable.com
Tue May 18 05:49:46 UTC 2010
I have one question out of curiosity. Are there instructions on the
emergency exit door? If so, are they in Braille? If not, should they be?
Just some more food for thought.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jedi" <loneblindjedi at samobile.net>
To: <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 10:24 PM
Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Airlines and Federation History
> PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read Walking Alone and Marching Together! Peter can't
> have given a better suggestion!
> Unfortunately folks, this is exactly the press that makes airlines think
> we can't do for ourselves thus asking us not to sit in emergency exits,
> asking us to preboard, asking us to deplane after everyone else, and
> altogether treating us as though we can't handle ourselves. For those who
> think the emergency exit row thing is not such a big deal and worth
> fighting over, let me remind you that a person as young as fifteen can sit
> there, a person served alcohol (either before boarding or on the plane)
> can sit there, and anyone who judges themselves (with the exceptions of
> the deaf, the blind, the non-English speaking, and the otherwise visibly
> disabled) can sit there. So basically, we're less competent, in the
> opinion of FFA, than a fifteen-year-old or a drunk. Others are allowed to
> judge their fitness for sitting there, but we cannot. Is that worth
> fighting about? Absolutely! Unfortunately, how society thinks of us in
> this context is very indicative of how society thinks of us in others.
> This might sound harsh, but it's unfortunately quite true. The bottom line
> here is that blind people are treated arbitrarily based on someone else's
> opinion of what we can do versus our own. Arbitrary treatment of this kind
> is not limited to disability in our past, but has also been used to
> separate People of Color from White folks back in the day and even now to
> an often invisible extent. That's why Federationists fought.
> Unfortunately, we did lose that battle, but that doesn't mean that we
> won't reserect it someday. I hope we do as I consider myself more capable
> of opening that exit than many sighted persons I know.
> Respectfully,
> Jedi
> Original message:
>> Hello Peter,
>> I must say that NFB's issues with the airlines are an excellent example
>> of the need to pick battles one can actually win.
>> It is my thought that the fight over the exit row was ridiculous.
>> There's only one case where it might be a legitimate issue. That would
>> be if it resulted in a blind person actually being denied the trip.
>> If the blind person can be reseated or a sighted one is voluntarily
>> bumped in order to secure the blind person's equal rights in the case of
>> a packed flight, then the matter is resolved IMHO.
>> On 5/16/2010 11:50 AM, Peter Donahue wrote:
>>> Hello Briley and everyone,
>>> If people would take the time to read Walking Alone and Marching
>>> Together they would learn of the federation's long struggle to secure
>>> equal
>>> access for the blind in air travel. It is a history filled with the kind
>>> of
>>> publicity and dribble that can result from incidents like this one, and
>>> much
>>> much more. Blind people had their canes taken away from them by airline
>>> personnel, were told they couldn't sit in seat rows other than the
>>> bulkhead
>>> if they used a guide dog, were told they needed to preboard and
>>> post-board,
>>> the list goes on. Read past issues of The Braille Monitor from the late
>>> 1980s and the early 1990s to get an idea of the kind of discrimination
>>> heaped on blind air passengers and why today we must still be on our
>>> guard
>>> when stories of this kind hit the media. Blind people were arrested and
>>> physically removed from planes and went to jail for doing nothing more
>>> than
>>> demanding to be treated like other passengers.
>>> We successfully closed down a US Airways ticket counter for several
>>> hours due to their demanding a blind person move from an emergency exit
>>> row;
>>> a seat he was assigned in the first place. The NFB held several protest
>>> against the FAA and the DOT due to their unwillingness to take a hand in
>>> remedying the discriminatory treatment we experienced at the hands of
>>> the
>>> airlines and still do. I know because I took part in several of these
>>> activities.
>>> Other types of air passengers now experience similar treatment. Large
>>> passengers are an example. The NFB can teach the flying public a thing
>>> or
>>> two about fighting the horrible treatment now experienced all too often.
>>> They just need to learn to stop, as Dr. Maurer put it in 1986, "Sitting
>>> down
>>> and shutting up!"We as federationists need to remember these struggles
>>> and
>>> not take the freedom of travel we now have for granted. These nabsters
>>> aren't just squealing over nothing but are remembering our past and
>>> upholding our legacy of collective action by reacting the way they are.
>>> All
>>> the best.
>>> Peter Donahue
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Briley Pollard"<brileyp at gmail.com>
>>> To: "National Association of Blind Students mailing list"
>>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2010 9:39 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Fwd: [Members] Airline apologizes for forgetting
>>> blindteen
>>> Valory,
>>> Again, the reason this is upsetting is A, this girl, (from the way it
>>> was
>>> portrayed), isn't comfortable enough with herself to stand up for her
>>> rights, and B, (the biggest issue), how we're portrayed in the media.
>>> What
>>> is said about one of us is perceived to be a definition of all of us.
>>> Media
>>> coverage of us is so often negative and condescending, and yes, it does
>>> upset me, and yes it does push me to speak up about how this is not
>>> acceptable.
>>> Briley
>>> On May 15, 2010, at 10:15 PM, Valerie Gibson wrote:
>>>> I agree. Seems to quick to point out someone else's fault and become
>>>> indignant for all over one person's actions.
>>>> There's just not enough imformation in the article to make such
>>>> judgement
>>>> calls. We can only say what we would do in that situation, and while
>>>> we
>>>> don't know this girl's background or mental capabilities it seems
>>>> unfair
>>>> to point fingers.
>>>> Perhaps she did not know that there are organisations like the NFB who
>>>> could help her. Perhaps she has been told all of her life that she
>>>> needs
>>>> sighted help in everything.
>>>> We've all been in a position where we did not know how to do things,
>>>> and
>>>> judging that you have found this mailing list, you've found the NFB as
>>>> well as a sense of endependance. Not everyone has done so.
>>>> Does it look bad for the blind community? Yes.
>>>> But how's this for a solution: try and find this girl and tell her that
>>>> there are places where she can learn a bit of independance.
>>>> On May 15, 2010, at 8:33 PM, Darrell Shandrow wrote:
>>>>> Hello Sarah and all,
>>>>> I think we may want to exercise care before judging this situation too
>>>>> quickly.
>>>>> Many times while traveling by air, flight attendants have asked that I
>>>>> wait until the plane has emptied before leaving. Sometimes I do this
>>>>> and
>>>>> sometimes I don't.
>>>>> If Jessica were asked to wait, then she were forgotten, then she
>>>>> certainly does have a very legitimate complaint here.
>>>>> We also need to keep in mind that members of the blind community have
>>>>> wide ranging capabilities and other disabilities with which they must
>>>>> cope.
>>>>> As always, this just comes down to the fact we all must exercise our
>>>>> due
>>>>> diligence while performing our jobs to avoid problems of this sort.
>>>>> On 5/15/2010 4:19 PM, Sarah Alawami wrote:
>>>>>> I think she should have gotten off the plain by her self. How hard
>>>>>> can
>>>>>> that be? just get off and turn right and go up the ramp thing and
>>>>>> turn
>>>>>> left and get out and then wait for your escort. but here's the story.
>>>>>> Airline apologizes for forgetting blind teen
>>>>>> Edmonton Journal , May 15, 2010
>>>>>> United Airlines has apologized to a blind woman from Vancouver Island
>>>>>> who
>>>>>> was abandoned on an empty plane in Chicago.
>>>>>> Jessica Cabot of Courtenay, B.C., made headlines this week after she
>>>>>> went
>>>>>> public about being forgotten in an empty United Airlines plane on an
>>>>>> April 7
>>>>>> stopover in Chicago.
>>>>>> The 18-year-old was waiting for flight attendants to escort her to a
>>>>>> connecting flight to Florida when she heard the plane door seal shut.
>>>>>> Ten
>>>>>> minutes later two maintenance staff happened to find her on an
>>>>>> unscheduled
>>>>>> check of the plane.
>>>>>> She panicked in the plane, calling for help.
>>>>>> After a series of complaints, Cabot received a $250 airline voucher
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> promise of an apology. Five weeks after her flight and a series of
>>>>>> news
>>>>>> stories later, she finally got one.
>>>>>> "They just called," said Cabot, on the phone from Jacksonville, Fla.,
>>>>>> where
>>>>>> she is visiting her fiance. "I can't even count how many times they
>>>>>> said
>>>>>> sorry."
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