loneblindjedi at samobile.net
Sat Sep 25 06:12:41 UTC 2010
While I understand that learning how to cook may have been difficult
for you, and while I understand that the training to cook with no
vision might have been difficult for you, that is not the case for
everyone and should not be generalized. I for one, found it easy after
I got over the stereotypes about blindness inherently making cooking
difficult. Interesting, eh? I'm with Marc on this one: the social
barriers placed on blind people often make things a hell of a lot more
difficult than blindness itself. The reason why social barriers exist
is because the world is built for the use and the advantage of the
sighted. As a result, most folks learn how to cook as sighted people. I
bet there's quite a few sighted folks who thought learning to cook
sighted was pretty darn difficult.
Original message:
> Mark,
> I agree with you on the definition of "great." Something great is
> above average, I'd say far above average. I think everyone has it in
> them to be above average, but most people never get there and that's
> why we have mediocrity. So, to me, greatness is living up to one's
> potential for excellence. We all have that possibility, most of us
> never get there.
> I conceed the point about "inherent." I meant in almost all
> situations. Because blindness is the lack of eyesight, that makes it
> more difficult to learn how to cook. Doable, but difficult. I
> suppose, if it were totally dark, blindness would make no difference.
> But, for purposes of real life, it does. You need to learn how to
> cook which, at least for me, is taking a lot more effort than it does
> for the average sighted person. And, because effective training
> programs for blind people to learn how to cook effectively are so
> rigorous and intensive, I'd say that's how it is for the vast majority
> of blind people. So we might be arguing semantics, but I think
> blindness makes cooking harder in almost all situations. Is that
> better?
> All the best,
> Kirt
> On 9/24/10, Marc Workman <mworkman.lists at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Kirt,
>> I think we probably disagree on the definition of a couple of words.
>> If great means above average, then it is definitionally not possible for
>> everyone to be great. If everyone did something above average, then the
>> average would change and become whatever most people were doing; in which
>> case, they would only be average, not above average. It is only our
>> democratic belief in equality that makes us resist the notion that not
>> everyone is capable of achieving greatness.
>> Secondly, inherently, as I understand it, means no matter what the social
>> situation. Setting Einstein's theory of relativity aside, we can say that a
>> particular mass is inherent to an object. Whether you're on the earth or
>> the moon, your weight is different, but your mass is the same. For
>> blindness to make it inherently harder to cook, you would have to be saying
>> that there is no conceivable situation where blindness would not make it
>> harder to cook. Well, I can pretty easily think of a situation where being
>> blind or having sight would make no difference: just cook in the dark. If
>> no light were available, then it would not be any harder for a blind person
>> to cook than a sighted person, and thus it is not inherently harder for a
>> blind person to cook.
>> I'm not sure how you are defining the words great and inherent, but this is
>> how I am using them.
>> Best,
>> Marc
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Kirt Manwaring" <kirt.crazydude at gmail.com>
>> To: "National Association of Blind Students mailing list"
>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>> Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 4:22 PM
>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS?
>>> Mark,
>>> I believe Everyone has the potential to be great. Most people don't
>>> actualize it. And, that aside, I'm going to say something that might
>>> sound wrong to some of you so please don't take it out of context.
>>> Blindness does inherently make it harder to cook and become a master
>>> cheff, because we need to learn alternative techniques and that can
>>> take time. Impossible, no. Reasonable for any average blind person
>>> with propper training, certainly. But blindness, by being a physical
>>> disability, does make it more difficult. What I think most of us
>>> agree that, with propper training, blindness can be reduced to a mere
>>> nuisence. But that propper training, as I'm sure any graduate of any
>>> NFB center can attest, is challenging and demanding. So...yes,
>>> blindness is a barrier there. Not an insurmountable barrier, but a
>>> barrier nonetheless.
>>> So I'm glad this article, even with its obvious flaws, was written.
>>> Because it shows people that a blind person can succeed in such a
>>> rigorous environment. You can't expect this sort of article to be
>>> perfect, devoid of any stereotypes, and totally spot-on in the way it
>>> portrays blindness. But it's much better than many I've read.
>>> On 9/24/10, Dezman Jackson <jackson.dezman at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Kirt,
>>>> I agree. I like the way Dr. Jernigan put it: the above average can
>>>> compete
>>>> with the below average, the average can compete with the average and the
>>>> above average can compete with the above average. Relatively few people
>>>> who
>>>> are in this trade will become master chefs so sighted or not, when it
>>>> comes
>>>> to the art she's definitely an above average blind person competing on
>>>> terms
>>>> of equality.
>>>> Dezman
>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>> From: "Kirt Manwaring" <kirt.crazydude at gmail.com>
>>>> To: "National Association of Blind Students mailing list"
>>>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>>>> Sent: Friday, September 24, 2010 3:22 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS?
>>>>> I think, overall, it's a pretty decent article. Not perfect,
>>>>> especially the "getting lost in your kitchen" bit, but...really, this
>>>>> is a remarkable accomplishment. Especially given the 70 percent
>>>>> unemployment rate among blind people, and taking in to account that
>>>>> this is a job most scheffs can only dream of...yeah, it's amazing.
>>>>> Yes, we all have that potential to thrive in our chosen fields, but
>>>>> how many of us, especially us blind people, actually live up to it?
>>>>> The sad reality, especially given employment statistics, is that most
>>>>> of us do not. So, kudos to her for getting a job at a top restaurant,
>>>>> doing stuff most people (blind or sighted) probably think a blind
>>>>> person can't do. Good for her.
>>>>> On 9/24/10, Jedi <loneblindjedi at samobile.net> wrote:
>>>>>> I don't downplay it; I think Arielle is right when she says that
>>>>>> Martinez's accomplishments are amazing because they just are, but
>>>>>> they're not so amazing at the same time because we all have the ability
>>>>>> to accomplish great things in our respective fields. does that make any
>>>>>> sense?
>>>>>> Respectfully,
>>>>>> Jedi
>>>>>> Original message:
>>>>>>> I am surprised that none of you are amazed by her being hired to work
>>>>>>> at Charlie Trotter's restaurant. He would not have hired her simply
>>>>>>> because she is blind, but because she is an amazing chef that he felt
>>>>>>> fit the restaurant's goals and food style. Being hired for an
>>>>>>> exclusive restaurant like this right after graduation is an
>>>>>>> accomplishment for anyone, sighted or blind, able-bodied or disabled,
>>>>>>> and I am surprised how many of you are downplaying this accomplishment
>>>>>>> because Ms. Martinez is blind.
>>>>>>> On 9/24/10, Jedi <loneblindjedi at samobile.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Dennis,
>>>>>>>> I think you've seriously misinterpreted what Arielle said. she said,
>>>>>>>> basically, that this woman succeeded despite serious setbacks in her
>>>>>>>> education and upbringing. She in no way said that she, because she
>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>> a strong blindness education, is better than Martinez. Where did you
>>>>>>>> get that? And just so you know, Arielle's success inventory is
>>>>>>>> looking
>>>>>>>> pretty darn good where I'm sitting: she's a Doctoral student at
>>>>>>>> around
>>>>>>>> age 25 and is doing quite well.
>>>>>>>> Respectfully,
>>>>>>>> Jedi
>>>>>>>> Original message:
>>>>>>>>> Arielle,
>>>>>>>>> I think it is worth noting that you did not say anything positive
>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> blind chef. All of your comments about her were called left handed
>>>>>>>>> compliments when I was young. You clearly feel superior to her, and
>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>> may
>>>>>>>>> be, with all the skills you have mastered. For all human beings,
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> proof
>>>>>>>>> is in the pudding. In the profession she has chosen she is at the
>>>>>>>>> top,
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> has greatly exceeded almost all sighted competition. I think it is
>>>>>>>>> valuable
>>>>>>>>> for all of us who are blind, as well as those who are not, to take a
>>>>>>>>> success
>>>>>>>>> inventory in the quiet of our own minds, and honestly evaluate how
>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>>> doing in the vocation we have chosen for ourselves. She isn't
>>>>>>>>> sitting
>>>>>>>>> back
>>>>>>>>> and praising herself, nor is she diminishing the accomplishments of
>>>>>>>>> others
>>>>>>>>> to make herself look and feel superior. She is actually out there
>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> race with sighted people, and she is winning. Too many people,
>>>>>>>>> sighted
>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>> blind, spend their lives preparing for the race, but they don't have
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> guts to actually get into the race. This is why they spend their
>>>>>>>>> lives
>>>>>>>>> hiding in school where it is safe, preparing for a race they will
>>>>>>>>> never
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>> the courage to enter. She and her accomplishments have made me very
>>>>>>>>> proud,
>>>>>>>>> and this article has done more for us as blind people than anything
>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>> have seen other blind people do, including me, in a long time. I'm
>>>>>>>>> going
>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>> write a letter to Charlie Trotter tomorrow and tell him how much I
>>>>>>>>> appreciate and value his willingness and ability to see beyond
>>>>>>>>> typical
>>>>>>>>> stereotypes. .
>>>>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>>>>> Dennis
>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>>>>>>>> From: "Arielle Silverman" <nabs.president at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>> To: "National Association of Blind Students mailing list"
>>>>>>>>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, September 23, 2010 6:48 PM
>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THIS?
>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>> The reporter used a little too much flowery rhetoric, but overall I
>>>>>>>>>> thought the article was pretty good. What struck me about Ms.
>>>>>>>>>> Martinez's background is that it sounds like she didn't have a lot
>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>> the services we take for granted as a child, like Braille and O&M,
>>>>>>>>>> if
>>>>>>>>>> she didn't even go to school until age ten. I assumed that is why
>>>>>>>>>> she
>>>>>>>>>> has relied, and still relies, on aides, and perhaps also why she
>>>>>>>>>> didn't learn about things like skin color until she was older. I
>>>>>>>>>> don't
>>>>>>>>>> think her being a chef is all that amazing, of course, but I am
>>>>>>>>>> proud
>>>>>>>>>> of her for becoming so successful after what sounded like a
>>>>>>>>>> somewhat
>>>>>>>>>> sheltered upbringing.
>>>>>>>>>> Arielle
>>>>>>>>>> On 9/23/10, Jewel S. <herekittykat2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Maybe she doesn't have strong O&M...some of those schools can be
>>>>>>>>>>> really big and hard to orient in. Think of your own school. It
>>>>>>>>>>> probably took you awhile to learn the campus...if not, then your
>>>>>>>>>>> O&M
>>>>>>>>>>> skills are quite good and I applaud you. I know I am still trying
>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> learn my local community college's campus, though I've already got
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> basic layout of the private college I want to attend after
>>>>>>>>>>> community
>>>>>>>>>>> college..of course, the classes at the private college are in only
>>>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>>> of two buildings that are connected, so that makes it pretty easy,
>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>> anyway...
>>>>>>>>>>> Saying she was lost because of the remodeling was a little
>>>>>>>>>>> exaggerative, but I bet she says she got lost herself. I say I get
>>>>>>>>>>> lost in a new place, and there is a store in a nearby shopping
>>>>>>>>>>> center
>>>>>>>>>>> that remodels almost every week, and I always say I'm lost int
>>>>>>>>>>> here
>>>>>>>>>>> because of their re-arranging everything.
>>>>>>>>>>> Just a thought.
>>>>>>>>>>> On 9/23/10, Briley Pollard <brileyp at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I liked the article in general. I thought it was a little silly
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> say
>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>> she was "lost" because her parents remodeled the kitchen. I think
>>>>>>>>>>>> "lost"
>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>> a little too strong of a word. Also...the school hired her an aid
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> help
>>>>>>>>>>>> her get around? Seems a little odd. She is obviously successful
>>>>>>>>>>>> though,
>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>> go her.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Briley
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sep 23, 2010, at 5:16 PM, Andi wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> i read this article, and was excited about this womans success
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>> angry about how the writer of the article portrayed her! I have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>>>> been
>>>>>>>>>>>>> rongly portrayed in newspaper articals as I am sure many of you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> have.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> find news papers like to make a spectical of any one with a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "disability"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that does anything remotely normal and even more of a side show
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> someone
>>>>>>>>>>>>> who does something most "able bodied" people would have trouble
>>>>>>>>>>>>> doing.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> This makes me angry because they take a positive advancement for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> blind
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and turn it in to a condescension of the blind. How do you all
>>>>>>>>>>>>> feel
>>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this and other articals like it. Do you have any sugjestions on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> redirect it back to a positive to the world?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blind chef gains national acclaim
>>>>>>>>>>>>> local/article_9884f76e-5023-11df-a9be-001cc4c03286 frame
>>>>>>>>>>>>> local/article_9884f76e-5023-11df-a9be-001cc4c03286 frame end
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the quad-city times
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Blind chef gains national acclaim
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Kay Luna | Posted: Sunday, April 25, 2010 2:15 am
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Laura Martinez reaches out her hands, delicately running her
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fingers
>>>>>>>>>>>>> atop
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the kitchen counter and across several sharp knives and a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> vegetable
>>>>>>>>>>>>> grater.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> She isn't afraid of getting cut.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> She never does, Martinez says.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Picking up a very large knife, she feels the top of the blade.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "This one is for vegetables," the 25-year-old former resident of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moline
>>>>>>>>>>>>> softly says. "It has ridges."
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The other knife is even longer and heavier. She picks it up,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> explaining
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that this one is called a chef's knife and she uses it to cut
>>>>>>>>>>>>> meat.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> But right now, Martinez needs to dice some fresh parsley. So,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> she
>>>>>>>>>>>>> feels
>>>>>>>>>>>>> around on the counter again for the cutting board, using her
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sense
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> touch to make
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sure the parsley is lined up just right.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then, without an ounce of fear, she begins chopping up the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> parsley
>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the fast-moving technique employed by professional chefs -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>>>>>>>> she
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> one.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martinez works as a chef in the kitchen of Charlie Trotter's, an
>>>>>>>>>>>>> exclusive
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gourmet restaurant in Chicago.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> She also happens to be blind.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Fast learner gets inspiration
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When Martinez was little, she did not realize she was different
>>>>>>>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone else. She thought everyone lived in darkness. She adapted
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> She wanted to become a surgeon someday.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "I always liked knives," she said with a smile.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> When she got older, she learned that she had been diagnosed with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> retinal
>>>>>>>>>>>>> blastoma, a type of cancer of the eyes, as a very young child.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> That
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> what caused
>>>>>>>>>>>>> her blindness.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Doctors removed one eye. Then the chemotherapy and radiation
>>>>>>>>>>>>> used
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> treat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the cancer ultimately ruined the vision in her other eye.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martinez cannot see anything. She cannot even detect light.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> In fact, she cannot remember ever seeing anything at all. She
>>>>>>>>>>>>> uses
>>>>>>>>>>>>> her
>>>>>>>>>>>>> active imagination instead.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> She is also a fast learner, which came in handy after spending
>>>>>>>>>>>>> her
>>>>>>>>>>>>> early
>>>>>>>>>>>>> childhood in a Mexican town that did not have a school for the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> blind
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> special
>>>>>>>>>>>>> education classes. The closest school she could have attended
>>>>>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> three-hour car ride away.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So, she stayed home and never learned to read or write in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Spanish,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> English
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or Braille until the family moved to Moline. She began her
>>>>>>>>>>>>> formal
>>>>>>>>>>>>> education at the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> age of 10.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martinez caught up eventually, blossoming even more when she
>>>>>>>>>>>>> reached
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moline High School and met her one-on-one education aide, Pam
>>>>>>>>>>>>> McDermott.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The two spent
>>>>>>>>>>>>> every school day together, starting when Martinez was 15, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>>>>>> remain
>>>>>>>>>>>>> very close.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> McDermott spent a lot of time talking to Martinez, describing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> situations
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and reading her books about the blind-and-deaf pioneer Helen
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Keller
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> other people
>>>>>>>>>>>>> who overcame life's challenges.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martinez's mother does not speak English. Neither did her late
>>>>>>>>>>>>> father.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> McDermott found herself explaining so many unexpected things to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> quiet,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> shy teenager - such as what flirting is and how some people have
>>>>>>>>>>>>> different
>>>>>>>>>>>>> skin
>>>>>>>>>>>>> colors. She hated to be the one to tell her, but the subject
>>>>>>>>>>>>> came
>>>>>>>>>>>>> up
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> school.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martinez began to dream about her future, but she faced people
>>>>>>>>>>>>> who
>>>>>>>>>>>>> told
>>>>>>>>>>>>> her, "You can't do that. You're blind. There's no way," she
>>>>>>>>>>>>> said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Kids would not come near me," Martinez said. "I was afraid to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> talk
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>>>> anything. But I don't give up."
>>>>>>>>>>>>> McDermott's influence helped open a whole new world of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> possibilities
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> her, Martinez said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> She learned to play piano. She moved away to take life-skills
>>>>>>>>>>>>> classes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the blind. She took community college classes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> She dreamed about becoming a psychologist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Eventually her interest turned to cooking. She figured it might
>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> little like surgery. Why not give it a try?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martinez knew she would have to work harder than most to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> convince people that she could work as a chef. And she was up to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> challenge.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "I don't give up," she said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Culinary school brings challenges
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martinez applied to the Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chicago,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>> open-enrollment institution where most people are accepted as
>>>>>>>>>>>>> students
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>> not everyone
>>>>>>>>>>>>> graduates from the program, said Marshall Shafkowitz, the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> school's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> vice
>>>>>>>>>>>>> president of academic affairs and student services. The
>>>>>>>>>>>>> curriculum
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>> tough.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> So was Shafkowitz, who admits he was "the biggest skeptic" when
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> came
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> considering how a blind student could succeed at Le Cordon Bleu.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>>>>>>> school had
>>>>>>>>>>>>> never enrolled a visually impaired student before Martinez, he
>>>>>>>>>>>>> said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initially, he was concerned how her presence in the classroom
>>>>>>>>>>>>> might
>>>>>>>>>>>>> impact
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other students' learning. Then he worried about how the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> teachers
>>>>>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>>>>>>> present
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the same curriculum, without lowering their standards, but do so
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> way
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that would accommodate her.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> He did not know whether she could handle the fast-paced
>>>>>>>>>>>>> environment
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> working in a commercial kitchen, which is so much different than
>>>>>>>>>>>>> cooking
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at home.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "It's a faster pace, with bigger knives and a lot more fire," he
>>>>>>>>>>>>> said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> After watching Martinez at school and witnessing her "drive and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> desire"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> become a chef, Shafkowitz said he was amazed. He said her
>>>>>>>>>>>>> heightened
>>>>>>>>>>>>> focus
>>>>>>>>>>>>> via
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other senses, in the absence of sight, is her "superpower."
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Her sense of touch is amazing," he said. "The only way I can
>>>>>>>>>>>>> describe
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> is the touch that a surgeon has when they're working on your
>>>>>>>>>>>>> organs.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> She
>>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>>> has that delicate way with a knife."
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "She's not going to let anything hold her back," he added. "I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> think
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> 90 percent of who Laura is. Nobody's going to tell her no."
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The school hired an aide to help her get around. She labeled
>>>>>>>>>>>>> things
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Braille.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mostly, though, she learned by using her hands to feel
>>>>>>>>>>>>> everything -
>>>>>>>>>>>>> especially the food she was preparing and cooking. She uses her
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sense
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> smell to figure
>>>>>>>>>>>>> out which spices to use. She uses both senses to determine
>>>>>>>>>>>>> whether
>>>>>>>>>>>>> meat
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and other dishes are done.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Her favorite culinary class was the one in which she learned how
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> debone
>>>>>>>>>>>>> chicken and take the fat off beef before cutting it into chunks
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> feeding it
>>>>>>>>>>>>> into a grinder. The teacher asked everyone to close their eyes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> feel
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the joints and bones, the meat and the fat. That's how they
>>>>>>>>>>>>> learned
>>>>>>>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and what
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to cut, Martinez said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Fat feels different. It feels slippery, kind of like Jell-O,"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> she
>>>>>>>>>>>>> said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "I focus on the smell, sound and the feel."
>>>>>>>>>>>>> An article about the school's first blind student was published
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chicago Tribune during December, which inspired the "CBS Evening
>>>>>>>>>>>>> News"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> feature
>>>>>>>>>>>>> her on national television. During the filming of that segment,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> CBS
>>>>>>>>>>>>> brought along internationally famous chef Charlie Trotter.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> They hoped he would observe Martinez in the kitchen and maybe
>>>>>>>>>>>>> give
>>>>>>>>>>>>> her
>>>>>>>>>>>>> some advice.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> What he ended up giving her was a job offer: to work as a chef
>>>>>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>>>>>>>> his
>>>>>>>>>>>>> exclusive Charlie Trotter's restaurant in Chicago. No one
>>>>>>>>>>>>> expected
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> least of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> all Martinez.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "It's a big honor for me," she said. "It's very exclusive."
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Rochelle Smith Trotter, a spokeswoman for the Charlie Trotter
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Corp.,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> said
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Chef Trotter was very taken by Martinez's
>>>>>>>>>>>>> passion for food and her strong determination - "two attributes
>>>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>>> he
>>>>>>>>>>>>> utilizes to evaluate any potential team member," she said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Martinez graduated Feb. 11 from Le Cordon Bleu. A week later,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> she
>>>>>>>>>>>>> began
>>>>>>>>>>>>> working at Trotter's, where she is familiarizing herself with
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> kitchen
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> restaurant's French-contemporary gourmet cuisine.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "We use very expensive herbs from all over the world," she said,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> sniffing
>>>>>>>>>>>>> assorted spices in plastic containers at her childhood home in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moline.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> She kept picking up the spices and putting them down, hunting
>>>>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> right one to season the sauce for her lasagna.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Where's the salt?" she asked.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Still dreaming
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Reaching her arms out in front of her, feeling for walls or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> other
>>>>>>>>>>>>> obstacles she might bump into, Martinez moves around the kitchen
>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Moline. She is lost
>>>>>>>>>>>>> because her family recently remodeled.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "Where is the trash can?" she asks.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> She feels around until she finds the sink to wash her hands,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>>>>>>>>>> she
>>>>>>>>>>>>> does repeatedly. She needs to stay cleaner than a sighted
>>>>>>>>>>>>> person,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> she
>>>>>>>>>>>>> says, for food
>>>>>>>>>>>>> safety and sanitation reasons. That is because she touches the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> food
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> she cooks a lot.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sometimes she browses cookbooks written in Braille or recorded
>>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>>> CD,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>>>>>>> she likes to make up her own dishes or give her own special
>>>>>>>>>>>>> twist
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>>>>>>> old favorite.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> For example, she added grated jalapeno pepper to her lasagna,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> just
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> give
>>>>>>>>>>>>> it some kick, she said.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> She imagines herself someday opening a restaurant in Miami,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> offering
>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mix
>>>>>>>>>>>>> of French, Italian, Mexican and Asian cuisines. She would call
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> place
>>>>>>>>>>>>> La Diosa,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> which, she said, is Spanish for "The Goddess."
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To those who might scoff at the idea, she says, "I'm not giving
>>>>>>>>>>>>> up."
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Skeptics don't discourage her. They just "give me the energy to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> fight,"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> she added.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "I just say, 'I have to work harder to show you that I can.' "
>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------
>>>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Jewel S." <herekittykat2 at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, May 03, 2010 1:42 PM
>>>>>>>>>>>>> To: "National Association of Blind Students mailing list"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] canes and increasing sensation of
>>>>>>>>>>>>> blindness
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I use my cane while holding someone's arm all the time.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> However,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not consider it "sighted guide" so much as keeping with my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> friend
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> who
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> knows the way...especially since the person who usually does
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me is my legally blind boyfriend. I hold his arm for balance
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> primarily, and to keep track of where he is, as I have no
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> peripheral
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> vision. As we walk, he might point things out to me that I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> miss
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with my cane no matter what (the mailboxes that stick out at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> head-height, the wet branches in front of my face, etcetra). I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cane so he can concentrate on where we are going and things in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> front
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of us. I find the curbs and steps on my own, and sometimes if
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> light is too low, I find curbs and such for the both of us, as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> he
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> not as good with the cane (lack of practice!).
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I find that if I take someone's arm, I am far less likely to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> learn
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> route. I have done entire routes on someone's arm that, looking
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> back,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I couldn't tell you the first thing. This is partly because of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> poor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> memory, but also because when I hold someone's arm, unless I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> charge of navigation (which does occur sometimes), I let that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> go,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and concentrate more on balance, what my cane is finding, and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sounds.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can enjoy myself a bit better this way.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Personally, I think holding someone's arm and using a cane at
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time is perfectly fine. That's just my opinion, so feel free to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> shoot
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me down, but that won't stop me from doing it myself! I don't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> like
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> put all the responsibility on the other person, no matter how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> good
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guide they are...though there is one exception. My O&M
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> instructor
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> would do sighted guide with me to get quickly to a location,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cane just got in his way, and he was very good at guiding (he
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> better
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be, since he teaches other people how to be sighted guides,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> too!),
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I allow my cane to remain at my side, ready to pull out if I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> need it, but I put my trust in him.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ~Jewel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 5/3/10, clinton waterbury <clinton.waterbury at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As far as the cane issue goes, when I was about three years of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> age,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> started learning how to use the cane.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The only problem was that I would flat out refuse to use it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> until
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> time I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> was about five.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The travel instructor finally said "Ok, you don't want to use
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> take
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it from you."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At that point, I tried and faled miserably to walk around
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> without
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> At the day's end, I did get the cane back, and have been using
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ever
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> since.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On May 2, 2010, at 4:49 PM, Gerardo Corripio wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi guys: I'm curious as to is it fine to use a cane while
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sighted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> guide with someone? for instance suppose the person whom I'm
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> going
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> never done sighted guide with a blind person, thus doesn't
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> alert
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> us
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of steps and the like. So I was thinking that if this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> technique
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fine
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> use it can serve two purposes:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1.-Be able to go along sighted guide but at the same time
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> being
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> oneself find and sort obstacles the sighted person might not
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> mind
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to let us know.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2.-Be able to start mapping in our minds the route following,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> easier to get to know the route by ourselves.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Also I've got another subject on my mind, thus sending in the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> email:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it normal that when using a cane I have conflict in using it?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> though
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the cane is how we get around by ourselves thanks to a bad
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> experience
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> while
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> studying for a diploma in Humanistic Therapy some years ago
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wanted to use the cane again after some years of having it
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dusting,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> held
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> it in my hand but wasn't able to use it at ease because
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> memories
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> experience came flooding back. fortunately I've been able to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> them
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but am curious as to know if this has happened to you guys?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> It's
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> conflict
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> because for one I'm aware that the cane makes us unique as
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blind
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> lets us move around by ourselves but also because here in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mexico
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> blind
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> aren't viewed as equals in some respects, thus when using the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> cane
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gives
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> me
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the feeling that lets blindness show even more, making the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sighted
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> people
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feel ill at ease; speaking from experience in another country
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> when
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the US you guys don't have to cope with these things because
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> advanced
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you guys are in the work you've done all these years. some
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> day
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hope
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> able to be like you guys and really live by your standards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> thus
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> hoping
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> these questions bring on a good discussion from which more
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> than
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> one
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> might
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> learn something new and enrich the topic of appreciating our
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> roots
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> brought
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> on recently.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gerardo
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>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> ~Jewel
>>>>>>>>>>> Check out my blog about accessibility for the blind!
>>>>>>>>>>> Treasure Chest for the Blind:
>>>>>>>>>>> http://blindtreasurechest.blogspot.com
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>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>> Arielle Silverman
>>>>>>>>>> President, National Association of Blind Students
>>>>>>>>>> Phone: 602-502-2255
>>>>>>>>>> Email:
>>>>>>>>>> nabs.president at gmail.com
>>>>>>>>>> Website:
>>>>>>>>>> www.nabslink.org
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>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network. Visit
>>>>>>>> www.serotek.com to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
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>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> ~Jewel
>>>>>>> Check out my blog about accessibility for the blind!
>>>>>>> Treasure Chest for the Blind: http://blindtreasurechest.blogspot.com
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>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Email services provided by the System Access Mobile Network. Visit
>>>>>> www.serotek.com to learn more about accessibility anywhere.
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