[nabs-l] Reminder: Looking for Student Seminar Reports

Arielle Silverman nabs.president at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 01:03:43 UTC 2011

Please note-the deadline for this has been extended by one more day.
 Hi all,

 It is my understanding that several of our state student divisons
 happened to have seminars, annual business meetings, or other
 activities this past weekend. We'd like to publish a special NABS
 bulletin highlighting all the exciting student events that happened
 across the country last weekend. I'm asking for your help in composing
 this bulletin. If you had a student event last weekend, or anytime in
 the last month, please write up a brief (paragraph or two) report on
 what you did, where it was, who came, etc. Please send your reports to
 me by Sunday, April 17, at 9:00 p.m. EST. You can send them to me at
 nabs.president at gmail.com
 This is a great way for you to tell the national NABS what's been
 happening in your state!

 Looking forward to reading all your reports.

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