[nabs-l] Tuesday Morning Quotations

Tony Grima agrima at nbp.org
Tue Dec 6 16:35:12 UTC 2011

Tuesday Morning Quotations 
Compiled by Diane Croft
Spiral-bound braille booklet, $9.00

Last year, we offered "Monday Morning Quotations," and it quickly became a
So, naturally, this year we offer you 52 more quotes to read on Tuesday

Compiled by Diane Croft, this small spiral-bound quotation booklet 
contains a quote for each week. Every Tuesday, turn back another page 
and see who shows up: Abraham Lincoln or Mae West? Darwin or Tolkien? 
Fran Lebowitz or Pope John Paul II? Plenty of fun for anyone on your 
gift list - and treat yourself, too! The entries are not dated, so 
you can start on any given Tuesday!
To order or read more about this book online, visit 

And "Monday Morning Quotes" is also still available - order before they sell

Which FREE book will you choose in our Annual Holiday Book Sale?

To order any books, send payment to:
NBP, 88 St. Stephen Street, Boston, MA 02115-4302
Or call and charge it: toll-free (800) 548-7323 or (617) 266-6160 ext 520.
Or order any of our books online at 
http://www.nbp.org/ic/nbp/publications/index.html .

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