[nabs-l] email clients for Windows 7

Katie Wang bunnykatie6 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 9 18:15:46 UTC 2011

Hi all,
I have been using Windows XP until very recently and always used
Outlook Express as my primary email client, as I prefer its simple
interface. However, I just purchased a new computer running Windows 7,
and, as you know, this easy-to-use email tool is no longer available.
I switched to using MS Office Outlook 2010, and although it is
definitely accessible with JAWS, I found the interface much more
complicated and cumbersome. I am aware that I'm still in the process
of getting used to a new program and may come to like it better over
time, but I was wondering whether anyone has had similar experiences?
For those of you using Windows 7 computers, do you use MS Office
Outlook, or would you recommend an alternative email program? Thanks!

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