[nabs-l] Services for international students

Chris Parsons christine-parsons at sbcglobal.net
Fri Dec 16 21:54:06 UTC 2011

Hi all,

I am working with an international graduate student, and he asked me today how he could obtain a notetaker to use for his studies while he is in the United States. I immediately thought of RSB, but I don’t know if or how that works with international students. Also, he is only going to be here until the end of next semester, so going through the process of opening a case of any kind, even if it were possible, would probably not be practical. I then thought of some type of loan program. I am going to research that option further, but I thought I’d ask here too and see if any of you have any suggestions. I have only just started working with him, so I don’t know any more specific information than this. Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.


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