[nabs-l] Wanted: External Stereo Mike for Voice Recorder

Tina Hansen th404 at comcast.net
Fri Feb 4 07:47:49 UTC 2011

Some years ago, Radio Shack had a very nice stereo mike that I often used with my digital voice recorder. It was small enough that you could transport it, yet you could place it on a table without needing a mike stand, and you got excellent recordings. That mike gave out in early 2008, and I've not been able to find anything like it. I think it was a lapel mike, but it could also be placed on a table and spread out.

I do have a Sony professional grade mike and a stand, but that's too much to carry. I also don't want to use binaural mikes, since I like to monitor recordings.

Does anyone out there know where I might find a good stereo external mike for a digital voice recorder? What's a good brand, and where might I get it? Thanks.

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