[nabs-l] re lions world

Josh Kennedy jkenn337 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 12 19:10:41 UTC 2011

Hi Ariel,

I am going there for certifications, not independence training I already 
got that at colorado center. Yes I could go to a local school for the 
same kinds of certifications. But there's no garnatee I would succeed 
there. Example. this past month I had $0.00 no money at all because our 
heating bill was so high. Now if I had to go to school for 
certifications this means that I would be skipping a whole month of 
school because I have absolutely no money at all to pay for paratransit 
to get me to school and back again. Next month I may have $50 perhaps 
$100 and the next month I may only have $10 or so. It depends on how 
high the bills, rent is from month to month. I think lions world is the 
best option for me. My wife and son can stay here and keep things up and 
running then I'll have a place to come back to. If I do get a job I'm 
going to have to come back here for a little while so I can pack this 
place up and move my family to wherever it is I'll be working anyway. 
Yes I'll miss them but its a necessary sacrifice and I'm certainly 
willing to make that sacrifice if it means working and allowing my 
family as nice an income as I can provide for them.


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