[nabs-l] lions world

Josh Kennedy jkenn337 at gmail.com
Sat Feb 12 23:29:43 UTC 2011

hi brian,

in reply to what would I do if my wife met a sighted person in Reading 
or philadelphia to get her needs met, what would I do? First I would 
forgive her for committing adultry against me. Second I would point out 
to both her and the person she was with that they are committing adultry 
by doing this which is a mortal sin, contrary to the will of God. I 
would next encourage her to get out of that relationship as soon as 
possible. I would forgive her, make up and move on and stay married to 
her. If she would do that to me I would not, I repeat not, divorce her. 
I would recommend marriage counseling, forgive forget stay married and 
move on. Besides all the research shows that divorce is bad for 
children. My priority is to keep my family together. If she makes a 
mistake she makes a mistake. I would dialog with her to find out why she 
did such a thing. Most people would divorce their wives, I would not. I 
don't find cheating on one's spouse to be a sufficient reason for divorce.


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