[nabs-l] NABS State Division Contact Info

Arielle Silverman nabs.president at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 00:11:53 UTC 2011

Hello students,

As Washington Seminar approaches we are making a big push to ensure
that our contact list for all the NABS state student divisions is as
up-to-date as possible. To help us with this effort I would like to
request the following:

-- If you are serving as president of a state student division at this
time, please send me an email at
nabs.president at gmail.com
with your current phone number and email address. Please do this even
if you have been president for several years, just so we can be sure
your contact info is accurate.
-- If your state doesn't have a formal student division yet but you
are involved with efforts to organize one, and would like to be listed
on the NABS website as a contact for blind students in your state,
please email me your contact info.
-- Just as an early heads-up, our Washington Seminar meeting this year
will once again include the presidents' lunch. We would like to have
one representative from each state attend this meeting, even if there
is no formal division in your state. This is a good opportunity to
chat with the NABS board and other division leaders about any
questions or concerns you may have, and to exchange ideas. Also, for
the first time we will be having a breakout session dedicated to
division development issues. All are welcome to attend, even if you
are not a state division president or contact.

Thanks for your assistance, and see you in Washington!

Arielle Silverman
President, National Association of Blind Students
Phone:  602-502-2255
nabs.president at gmail.com

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