[nabs-l] Symposium University at Buffalo

David Dodge daviddod at buffalo.edu
Fri Jul 15 20:56:38 UTC 2011

Hello Everyone,
My name is David Dodge and I am an English major at the University at
Buffalo (UB) here in New York state. I have been blind since birth. I am
planning a disability symposium that will focus on the strengths, needs, and
possibilities for people with a variety of disabilities.

I would really appreciate ANY help, suggestions, or advice you might have.
Please e-mail me at daviddod at buffalo.edu if you have any information to
contribute or you would like to come/present. The more people we have
working on this the better it will be!

David Dodge
Doctoral Degree Granting Institutions Rep.
State University of New York Student Assembly
English Major
University at Buffalo
306 Clemens Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260
daviddod at buffalo.edu

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