[nabs-l] [Nfbnet-members-list] Threw Our Eyes interview, Ride into History, Race for Independence, Wed. June 22, 8:00 pm EDT
Carly Mihalakis
carlymih at earthlink.net
Mon Jun 27 02:06:25 UTC 2011
Hi, Kurt,
Because of the rampent propaganda that
is alive and well in this culture, people have
relentless visions of the Well Fair queen who, is
most often not a citizen, has 8 kids and doesn't
work. This well fair queen is always roaming
around listlessly, with her hand out.
But, This is the exception and not the rule.
People who have to benefit from assistance on
their ways upward or forward, like you Kurt, are
doing so because they absolutely must, in order
to survive. It's not something to be ashamed of
since, you must build something with which you
can, in a meaningful fashion, contribute to
where you're from. would if I were sighted because the alternative
>techniques I use often are slower than using sight. (readers, test
>scribes, needing to feel all the details on braille graphs vs. being
>able to look at it all at once and glance at what I need later, etc.)
>School is preparing me to work a regular job-since my alternative
>techniques require lots of time work isn't really practical for me
>while I go through school. I suspect that's why you applied for SSI
>in the first place. The system is not designed to take people who are
>perfectly capable of working and make them in to couch potatoes-I
>think that's an unfortunate side effect of the whole deal. Rest
>assured, once I get a full-time job, I'll cut the chord with SSI.
> I can only speak for me, and how I see the system. I don't think it
>was ever intended to be a handout or something to keep able people
>from working. It's unfortunate many people abuse the system and, I'll
>admit, it makes me angry! But do you have a better idea to make sure
>we're able to get the education we need to work? And anyway (I'm not
>talking about you, I don't know your situation), if someone's able to
>work a full-time job, what business do they have getting SSI? Best,
>On 6/26/11, T. Joseph Carter <carter.tjoseph at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Wait, are you saying the system is designed for us to sit on our
> > collective duffs and mooch off of others while we piddle around and
> > do nothing? Does that seem like an appropriate system to you?
> >
> > You know how most people get through school? They work. Why should
> > we be different? Yes, I know we ARE, but why should we accept that?
> > We cannot work through school because the very act of going through
> > school takes us longer. Why? Because we havent got the skills to
> > keep up. Why? Because the same system that is giving us our little
> > handout (for which Im told we should be grateful) has actively
> > interfered in our efforts to be and do better than that.
> >
> > As for suing, how, whom, and why? My benefits were never actually
> > stopped, only threatened. Just enough to keep me jumping for my
> > government slavemasters. I was entitled to, had, and won each of my
> > appeals, so the system worked as designed.
> >
> > Im just no longer willing to be a slave.
> >
> > Joseph
> >
> >
> > On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 01:18:23PM -0600, Kirt Manwaring wrote:
> >>Joseph,
> >> You make great points, and I really do feel for you. That's
> >>aweful...like, maybe get a social security lawyer kind of aweful.
> >> All I'm saying is, the way the system is intended to work (and the
> >>way it works for a lot of us), SSI is necessary income. I'm using it
> >>so I don't starve through school; the minute I get out and find a
> >>full-time job, I'm saying goodbye to my SSI for good. That's how it
> >>should be-use it to get yourself able to work then cut the cord. I
> >>know lots of people abuse it, I know it's poorly managed, and I know
> >>you're getting screwed by the system. But the way I see it, it's
> >>designed to be a boost up to equality, not a handout. Of course,
> >>everyone doesn't use it that way.
> >> In any case, best of luck. I hope things work out for you. For
> >>what it's worth, I'm sorry you're going through all this crap.
> >> Best wishes,
> >>Kirt
> >>
> >>On 6/25/11, T. Joseph Carter <carter.tjoseph at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>> Kirt,
> >>>
> >>> Social Security and SSI are still a handout, and they come with
> >>> strings attached that make getting off of them pretty difficult.
> >>> Especially if you live in subsidized housing, collect food stamps,
> >>> receive utility subsidies, etc. If you do and you go and find
> >>> yourself a job that doesnt pay enough, you will have a sudden net
> >>> reduction in your income that already doesnt pay the bills.
> >>>
> >>> Ive decided Im getting off this roller coaster even if it makes me
> >>> homeless in the process, because Im sick and tired of living in fear
> >>> that they might take away my benefits! Ive gotten three letters to
> >>> that effect in the past two years, in the midst of cancer treatment
> >>> for two of them, all with the customary 30 day appeal Id better take
> >>> advantage of if I want to be able to survive another month!
> >>>
> >>> Im tired of getting paid to NOT work. Im tired of living in places
> >>> where the government intrudes upon my home three times a year to make
> >>> sure my landlord isnt complete pond scum (but allowing them to be
> >>> one level removed from pond scum!) Im tired of being told that if I
> >>> start working, my rent will suddenly be 120% of what anybody in their
> >>> right might would ever pay for this dump. And Im tired of being
> >>> told that theyre sorry, but I just dont qualify for the work
> >>> incentives, or the better medical coverage, or the exemptions that
> >>> might possibly allow me to save a few hundred dollars with which to
> >>> actually get out of here!
> >>>
> >>> Your not-a-handout Social Security and SSI have made slaves of far
> >>> too many of us. Perfectly able to work, but afraid to try for fear
> >>> that well lose what little weve got. We are trapped in a prison of
> >>> learned helplessness, and the only way out is to see these thingsall
> >>> of themfor what they are: Government handouts designed to keep us
> >>> docile, afraid, and living in poverty.
> >>>
> >>> Im done playing that game.
> >>>
> >>> Joseph
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Sat, Jun 25, 2011 at 09:13:21AM -0600, Kirt Manwaring wrote:
> >>>>Carley,
> >>>> First off, I've done a bit of really light research and I was way
> >>>>liberal about what I thought the cost of this would be. It's probably
> >>>>going to be in the neighborhood of $100 million, so I was way off.
> >>>>That'll teach me not to make outlandish statements with no proof.
> >>>> But still, the point I made in my last message stands. Of course I
> >>>>don't want the government to write out a check for all of us-I was
> >>>>trying to point out that trying to make all the cash out there more
> >>>>"blind-friendly" is not necessary. Just like we don't need government
> >>>>handouts (I'm not counting SSI as a government handout because that's
> >>>>money lots of us genuinely need), we don't need the government
> >>>>spending $100 million redesigning currency we can already use with
> >>>>pretty much no problem. Honestly, if you think you can't afford an
> >>>>iBill, there's probably something you're buying with your $680 a month
> >>>>that you really don't need.
> >>>> Just a thought,
> >>>>Kirt
> >>>
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