[nabs-l] National Federation of the Blind Condemns Lack of Access to New Kindle Fire

Joshua Lester jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu
Mon Oct 3 13:23:05 UTC 2011

The following is an E-mail, that was forwarded to me, by my state
chapter's president.
Has anyone discussed this, on here?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: tosheeler at cox.net
Date: Sun, 2 Oct 2011 18:19:57 -0500
Subject: Fwd: National Federation of the Blind Condemns Lack of Access
to New Kindle Fire
To: bkshfreeman at gmail.com, bfreeman0420 at gmail.com, vtscott at cox.net,
leaann1967 at gmail.com, j.scholes at sbcglobal.net, bogan1265 at yahoo.com,
geofynder at gmail.com, Gogetm00 at aol.com, hayleyksch at gmail.com,
dave.mehler at gmail.com, walkercutoff at att.net,
Donna.Walker at arkansas.gov, Matt.Lyles at arkansas.gov,
lyles_j at sbcglobal.net, honestblindman at gmail.com, pat.nfb at att.net,
bkkindle at yahoo.com, Teddey3000 at aol.com, james.worley at cox.net,
twedwards1111 at gmail.com, anmolpbhatia at yahoo.com, deweycoursey at cox.net,
lizngraves at yahoo.com, erp at uark.edu, mika_hooper at yahoo.com,
Matteri at cox.net, donbrey at gmail.com, trinitymlovell at gmail.com,
clj_smith at yahoo.com, arspurplegirl at cox.net, delreal93 at yahoo.com,
ctroby at uark.edu, e.yarberry at gmail.com, jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu,
gvwright2 at juno.com, lhwayland at sbcglobal.net, joshcrunkleton at gmail.com,
showard826 at gmail.com, jsexson at live.com, sflesher at yahoo.com,
diane403bill at suddenlink.net, abhoxeng at yahoo.com, hoxeng at aol.com,
barefootinar at yahoo.com, Terrysteve at suddenlink.net,
peter-hoffman at att.net, kaylaltodd at gmail.com

> From: "Freeh, Jessica" <JFreeh at nfb.org>
> To: Alpidio Rolon <arguza at attglobal.net>, Amy Buresh <amy.buresh74 at gmail.com>,
	Art Schreiber <blindart at samobile.net>, Beth Rival <erival at comcast.net>, Bill
 Packee <alaskanfb at yahoo.com>, Bob Kresmer <krezguy at cox.net>, Carl Jacobsen
	<office at nfbny.org>, Cassandra McNabb <cemcnabb21 at yahoo.com>, Cathy Jackson
	<cathyj at iglou.com>, Charlene Smyth <cs.nfbwv at verizon.net>, "Christine G.
 Hall" <c.tessa4 at comcast.net>, Dan Hicks <danjhicks at yahoo.com>, Daniel Burke
	<burke.dall at gmail.com>, Don Galloway <dgalloway627 at gmail.com>, Donna Wood
	<donnajwood at cox.net>, Duane Iverson <diverson at samobile.net>, Elsie Dickerson
	<elsiedickerson at ymail.com>, Frank Lee <francois57 at comcast.net>, Franklin
 Shiner <fshiner at myfairpoint.net>, Fred Schroeder <fschroeder at sks.com>,
	Garrick Scott <gscott at nfbga.org>, Gary Ray <ghraynfbofnc at charter.net>, Gary
 Wunder <gwunder at earthlink.net>, Grace Pires <silvara at cox.net>, "J.W. Smith"
	<jwsmithnfb at verizon.net>, James Antonacci <president at nfbp.org>, Jeannie
 Massay <Jmassay1 at cox.net>, Jennifer Dunnam <jennifer.dunnam1829 at gmail.com>,
	Joe Ruffalo <nfbnj at yahoo.com>, John Batron <jbatron at maine.rr.com>, John Fritz
	<johnfritz at centurytel.net>, Joy Harris <joy.harris at dwx.com>, Joyce Scanlan
	<joyce.scanlan at earthlink.net>, Ken Rollman <gatorbumps at rushmore.com>, Kim
 Williams <rkvend at aol.com>, Kimberly Flores <kflores at nfb-texas.org>, Larry
 Posont <president.nfb.mi at gmail.com>, Lynn Majewski <majla at verizon.net>, Mary
 Willows <mwillows at sbcglobal.net>, Melissa Riccobono <melissa at riccobono.us>,
	Michael Barber <michael.NFBI at gmail.com>, Michael Freeman <k7uij at panix.com>,
	Mika Pyyhkala <pyyhkala at gmail.com>, Nani Fife <nanifife at aol.com>, Pam Allen
	<pallen at lcb-ruston.com>, Parnell Diggs <parnell at sccoast.net>, Patti Chang
	<pattichang at att.net>, Rena Smith <realhappygirl1 at gmail.com>, Ron Brown
	<rb15 at iquest.net>, "Gardner, Ron" <RGardner at nfb.org>, Sam Gleese
	<SGleese at city.jackson.ms.us>, Scott LaBarre <slabarre at labarrelaw.com>, Terry
 Sheeler <tosheeler at cox.net>
> Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2011 13:50:08 -0700
> Subject: National Federation of the Blind Condemns Lack of Access to New
 Kindle Fire
> Chris Danielsen
> Director of Public Relations
> National Federation of the Blind
> (410) 659-9314, extension 2330
> (410) 262-1281 (Cell)
> cdanielsen at nfb.org
> National Federation of the Blind Condemns
>  Lack of Access to New Kindle Fire
> Baltimore, Maryland (September 29, 2011): The National Federation of the Blind commented today on the release of Amazon's new Kindle Fire, which cannot be used by people who are blind.
> Dr. Marc Maurer, President of the National Federation of the Blind, said: "Blind Americans have repeatedly asked Amazon to include accessibility for the blind in its Kindle product line.  The feasibility of including accessibility in similar products has been demonstrated.  The Department of Education and the Department of Justice have made it clear that Kindle devices cannot be purchased by educational institutions, libraries, and other entities covered by this country's disability laws unless the devices are fully accessible.  Despite all this, Amazon has released a brand new Kindle device, the Kindle Fire, which cannot be used by people who are blind.  Enough!  We condemn this latest action by Amazon and reiterate that we will not tolerate technological discrimination.  The National Federation of the Blind seeks nothing less than equal access to all technology for blind people.  It is one of the most critical civil rights issues facing blind Americans in the twenty-first century, and we will do everything in our power to see that this right is secured."
> ###
> About the National Federation of the Blind
> With more than 50,000 members, the National Federation of the Blind is the largest and most influential membership organization of blind people in the United States.  The NFB improves blind people's lives through advocacy, education, research, technology, and programs encouraging independence and self-confidence.  It is the leading force in the blindness field today and the voice of the nation's blind.  In January 2004 the NFB opened the National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute, the first research and training center in the United States for the blind led by the blind.

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