[nabs-l] BANA still considering abolishing the Nemeth braille code
Patrick Molloy
ptrck.molloy at gmail.com
Sat Sep 10 23:04:23 UTC 2011
Evening all:
What exactly is the problem with the Nemeth Code that it needs to be
abolished? It would seem far more efficient to just keep the same
thing that we've always used, rather than drop Nemeth, create
something new, and have everyone have to re-learn everything. If it's
not broken, don't fix it. That said, I don't have the full story in
front of me. What exactly would the new code be? Would it be a
combination of Nemeth and something else, like literary Braille? Or
would it be something entirely new? I'm very curious to hear more
about this and see where it goes.
On 9/10/11, Joshua Lester <jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu> wrote:
> They're stupid, IMO!)
> What would Doctor Nemeth say about this?
> I wish he'd join this list, so he can discuss this stuff.
> He'd be appalled!
> Blessings, Joshua
> On 9/10/11, chris nusbaum <dotkid.nusbaum at gmail.com> wrote:
>> That's right, Joshua! Abolish the Nemeth code, and replace it with
>> what? A whole new code that BANA would make up and then we students
>> would have to suddenly drop all we know about Nemeth and switch to
>> some other code? That would slow the process down so much, and we
>> don't need to slow it down!
>> Chris
>> On 9/10/11, Joshua Lester <jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu> wrote:
>>> I'm all for a unified Braille code.
>>> That code, is the Nemeth Code!
>>> Leave it alone!
>>> Blessings, Joshua
>>> On 9/10/11, Nicole B. Torcolini at Home <ntorcolini at wavecable.com> wrote:
>>>> [Blindmath] BANA still considering abolishing the Nemeth braille code
>>>> Susan Jolly easjolly at ix.netcom.com
>>>> Fri Sep 9 17:10:37 CDT 2011
>>>> a.. Previous message: [Blindmath] SPSS accessibility
>>>> b.. Next message: [Blindmath] BANA still considering abolishing the
>>>> Nemeth
>>>> braillecode
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>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> I have just recieved my copy of the Summer 2011 Bulletin of the National
>>>> Braille Association (NBA) which is the professional organization
>>>> providing
>>>> continuing education to both paid and volunteer braille transcribers
>>>> here
>>>> in
>>>> the United States. The President's Message states, "At some point in the
>>>> near future, the braille powers-that-be will make a decision about a
>>>> unified
>>>> braille code for the English-speaking worlds--a code that will combine
>>>> literary and technical transcriptions under one set of rules and
>>>> constructions."
>>>> Elsewhere in this issue of the Bulletin, the NBA representive to the
>>>> Braille
>>>> Authority of North America (BANA) writes that the BANA "Education and
>>>> Outreach committee is still reviewing the possibility of a universal
>>>> code."
>>>> Note that the next meeting of BANA will be held November 3-6, 2011 and
>>>> will
>>>> be hosted in the Baltimore area by the NFB.
>>>> If you believe as I do that the BAUK-like representation of maths in the
>>>> current proposals for a unified code are significantly inferior to the
>>>> Nemeth code's representation of mathematics, you might want to take
>>>> action
>>>> now.
>>>> Wouldn't it be ironic if the US were to abolish the use of the Nemeth
>>>> code
>>>> just as it is being widely adopted in countries such as India and
>>>> Indonesia
>>>> which have larger populations of braille users?
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> SusanJ
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> a.. Previous message: [Blindmath] SPSS accessibility
>>>> b.. Next message: [Blindmath] BANA still considering abolishing the
>>>> Nemeth
>>>> braillecode
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>> --
>> Chris Nusbaum
>> "The real problem of blindness is not the loss of eyesight. The real
>> problem is the misunderstanding and lack of education that exists. If
>> a blind person has the proper training and opportunity, blindness can
>> be reduced to a mere physical nuissence." -- Kenneth Jernigan
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