[nabs-l] Reading PDF Documents with JAWS

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sun Sep 18 23:53:11 UTC 2011

It really has more to do with PDF's than JAWS.  There are many 
different ways to create PDF's, and some of them produce more 
accessible documents then others.  It is also possible to alter a PDF 
after it is created, to make it more accessible, but this is work for 
someone who knows how to do it.


At 01:34 PM 9/18/2011, you wrote:
>Hello All,
>Hope you are doing well.  I have a question for you.  In my experience
>with pdf files it seems like JAWS is selective in which it wishes to
>read and those it wishes not to read.  Have any others experienced
>this?  How do we get the ones that don't want to be read to do so?  I
>must admit I don't know much about PDFs.
>Any suggestions, ideas, comments are appreciated.

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