[nabs-l] MSU-RRTC Spring newsletter
B.J. LeJeune
BJLejeune at colled.msstate.edu
Wed Apr 4 15:39:40 UTC 2012
Spring 2012
Quarterly Connections: News from the MSU-RRTC
Linking Blindness and Low Vision Research to Practice
NIDRR Transition Project Complete
In October 2007, the MSU-RRTC received funding from the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) for a project focusing on employment outcomes of transition-age youth with blindness or other visual impairments. The project consisted of four major priorities, involving the following activities: (1) a systematic literature review of interventions and practices leading to employment outcomes for this population; (2) analyses of national databases to explore relationships and identify predictors of employment outcomes; (3) qualitative analyses of data from a variety of sources, such as VR case records, interviews with consumers and counselors, and focus groups with rehabilitation professionals; and (4) development, implementation, and evaluation of two online employment preparation interventions: one for youth in high school and one for youth in college.
The project was concluded in December 2011, resulting in the development of multiple publications and products in addition to a large number of presentations at national conferences during the grant period. Read more . . .
Current RRTC Research Highlight:
Training & Marketing Needs of the Randolph-Sheppard Program
MSU-RRTC staff are collaborating with Mr. Terry Smith (expert consultant on Randolph-Sheppard programs) and Mr. Daniel Frye (RSA Randolph-Sheppard Program Specialist) on research and training activities that will result in several product deliverables in support of Randolph-Sheppard programs nationwide, including
an accessible, online training curriculum for new and existing state-federal vocational rehabilitation staff working directly with the Randolph-Sheppard program;
essential prerequisites for entry into the training program for new facility managers and performance standards for existing facility managers;
marketing materials (e.g., brochures, videos) targeting (1) recruitment of transition-age youth who are legally blind and (2) recruitment and retention of individuals who are deafblind; and
general informational materials.
Read more . . .
In the Works: Training and TA
Comment ça va?
Our Training Coordinator, B. J. LeJeune, was recently invited to present on Persons Aging with Dual Sensory Loss at the Université de Montréal at the 14th Annual Symposium Scientifique sur l'incapacité visuelle et la réadaptation (Scientific Symposium on Visual Disability and Rehabilitation). Read more . . .
Successful Job Placement of the Older Blind Consumer
The on-line continuing education course, Successful Placement of the Older Blind Consumer, will be getting a new look and a new instructor! Read more . . .
Training Opportunities
State VR agency training coordinators looking for staff training opportunities can contact B. J. LeJeune at bjlejeune at colled.msstate.edu or 662-325-2694 about the various options MSU-RRTC has to offer. Read more . . .
Other RRTC News:
Anne Sullivan Macy Scholar Joins MSU-RRTC Staff
The MSU-RRTC is pleased to welcome Dr. Li Zhou, our current Anne Sullivan Macy Scholar. This competitive postdoctoral program honors the extraordinary contribution of Anne Sullivan Macy to the educational experience of Helen Keller by supporting the development of a promising scientist-practitioner whose research focuses on blindness and low vision. Read more . . .
Employment Mentoring Project Underway
The Employment Mentoring Project is now in full swing! This project evaluates the impact of face-to-face mentoring relationships on post-graduation employment outcomes for college students who are legally blind. We are still in great need of participants, especially students. Help us by spreading the word or signing up. Read more . . .
Visit the RRTC Website and Participate in our Research!
We have been working to develop ways to improve our efficiency for recruiting research participants. One new feature is the “Participate in Our Research” section now located on our website (http://blind.msstate.edu/participate/). This section provides information about how individuals can become involved in current blindness and low vision research at MSU-RRTC. Read more . . .
Publications, Presentations, and Miscellanies
Publications Recently Archived for Download from Our Website:
Cavenaugh, B. & Morse, M. C. (2011). Annotated Bibliography: Interventions Affecting Successful Secondary Transition of Adolescents with Visual Impairments. Mississippi State, Mississippi: Mississippi State University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision.
Cavenaugh, B., Wolff, H. M, & Belant, M. W. (2011). References: Non-Intervention Research Studies: Factors Affecting Successful Secondary Transition Outcomes of Youth with Visual Impairments. Mississippi State, Mississippi: Mississippi State University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision.
Crudden, A. (2011). Research Report: Transition to Work: Rehabilitation Counselor Perspectives. Mississippi State, Mississippi: Mississippi State University Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Blindness and Low Vision.
Recent Publications/Publications in Press:
McDonnall, M. C. & O'Mally, J. (2012). Characteristics of early work experiences and their association with future employment. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 106(3), 133-144.
Cavenaugh, B. & Giesen, J. M. (in press). Annotated bibliography: A systematic review of transition interventions influencing successful employment outcomes of adolescents with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness.
Crudden, A. (in press). Transition to employment: Components for success. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness.
Giesen, J. M., & Cavenaugh, B. (in press). Transition-age youth who are blind in vocational rehabilitation: A new look at competitive outcomes and services. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness.
For Additional MSU-RRTC News and Activities:
Visit our website at http://www.blind.msstate.edu/.
This newsletter was supported in part by grant #H133B10022 from the U.S. Department of Education, National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR). Newsletter contents do not represent policies of NIDRR or the Department of Education and viewers should not assume endorsement by the federal government. Please feel free to forward this newsletter to interested parties.
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