[nabs-l] citing APA style

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Mon Apr 23 19:44:26 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I’m struggling with the citation style as usual. Jaws doesn’t tell me the formatting of the words and I went word by word to hear punctuation in the sample reference entry I looked up.  I do have to alphabetize them, right? I know you do in MLA.

How Do I format the Journal title and title of article? Do I put italics or anything on it? Before there were quotes around the title of article, but when I looked online now, there are none.
How do I site the volume number and issue? The sample says number and a parenthese number. I’m confused. I know I site the page number range after this. Like do I write Journal of Adolescent psychology, 3 (24) and the 3 is volume number and 24 is issue number?


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