[nabs-l] powerpoint questions

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Thu Apr 26 02:06:00 UTC 2012

Hi all,

Well, I know how to create some basic powerpoint slides now. 
However, I’m not sure there are ways to do some of the visual stuff with the keyboard.

Some questions:
1. I can apply the animations and transitions to different slides and place holders. I have to have someone sighted describe what each effect does unless I can see it well enough. Is there a way to tell where they are? Also does it say on the screen what the name of the animation or transition is? Maybe that is just something visual that is seen. I’m hoping jaws can tell you what animations and transitions you’ve applied; if I apply a glitter transition to slide 3 and checkerboard to slide 4, its easy to forget what I’ve done. Same with animations. Can jaws state what animations are what? In this way, you’d be abble to review where you applied them.

2. I can insert clip art and images. They are placed in the corner of the body place holder. Is there a way to resize them so they’re smaller? IS there a way to move the picture? This is normally done by dragging with the mouse.

3. Inserting smart art is a way to be more fancy. You can type on its images. Like if you insert a flow chart thing, you can write on each box. This was done in my intro to computer concepts class. However someone clicked on the boxes with the mouse for me to type. Is there a way to get into the image and type in it with the keyboard?

4. Is there a way to resize the place holders? I only heard of a way to do this with the mouse so far.
5. If I have an mp3 recording, can that be inserted in the presentation and played with some keyboard command?


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