[nabs-l] Learning Japanese

Lindsay Yazzolino lindsay3.14 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 24 18:48:02 UTC 2012

Hi All,

I am curious as to whether there is anyone on this list who has studied Japanese. I am just beginning to learn the language, and am curious as to how others have learned to efficiently produce Hiragana and Konji characters. While I believe I have made some progress in determining how to type Japanese using the language-specific input keyboard for Hiragana characters, I still have a number of questions for those who are more proficient in the language. Also, is anyone here familiar with the Japanese Braille system, and if so, how often do you use it? Any tips/thoughts would  be very much appreciated. i would be very interested  in connecting with other blind people who know Japanese. Thanks in advance for any help!

Lindsay Yazzolino
Program Coordinator,
 Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Research Assistant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lindsay3.14 at gmail.com
Follow me on Twitter: @GrammarGlamor

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