[nabs-l] rehab services

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 26 22:07:38 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I’m having difficulty getting services from rehab. I do have an old braille note and I’m hoping they pay for its repair since some of the cells need fixing.
I’m also requesting an update to my scanning program and a vr stratus among other things.

Has rehab updated, repaired, or replaced your technology? Technology changes so often and I know of people using old computers and other technology since rehab did not update it; for instance they use windows xp or vista and now we are on windows 7, soon to be windows 8.

Also, if you looked for work, did rehab help you with job development activities such as job searches, interview tips, job shadowing, or setting up informational interviews? 

If I cannot get what I need, I will go forward with getting an advocate and go to a mediation. If anyone has had that experience, I’m curious to know what that is like.



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