[nabs-l] Frustrated with school!

Joshua Lester JLester8462 at PCCUAEDU.onmicrosoft.com
Fri Aug 31 08:07:18 UTC 2012

I thought that I had my Anatomy and Physiology book, and my Medical Terminology books, in audio!
I didn't!
All I have, are my Behavioral Health, and Healthcare Delivery books!
The VR people that Brailled my MedTerm book, didn't do what they were supposed to do, so I'm having to get the worksheets, (which are out of the book,) E-mailed to me!
How am I supposed to find the answers to my A and P homework, when I can't have an audiobook?
The people at Learning Ally told my DSO, that they don't have it!
The DSO won't allow my work-study to look up the answers for me, from the Print book, so my mom has to do it.
There's a problem!
She can't see well enough to do it, due to the small print!
I'm tired of this discrimination!
Please help!
Thanks, Joshua

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