[nabs-l] my IT class and html questions
Ashley Bramlett
bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 23 01:59:43 UTC 2012
what do you mean by w3c? Did you do website publishing? In class or where?
If so, maybe we chat off list.
I don't know if publishing software like dreamweaver or front page is
-----Original Message-----
From: Nimer M. Jaber, IC³
Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 8:48 PM
To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
Subject: Re: [nabs-l] my IT class and html questions
Hello Ash,
You can push JAWS Key+5 on the number row and not the number pad to
tell you the colors. This works most of the time. I have also used
w3c. For free domains, the best you'll be able to do is a URL
shortener or a subdomain. Examples would be co.cc or biz.vi or
something similar. Domains aren't that expensive however. You can get
one for less than ten dollars a year, and most hosting packages will
provide you with a certain amount of domain names. Feel free to
contact me with any questions you may have.
On 22.01.2012, Ashley Bramlett <bookwormahb at earthlink.net> wrote:
> oh true. I could just checked what I typed to find out.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ignasi Cambra
> Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 4:28 PM
> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] my IT class and html questions
> I don't understand the problem. You will specify a background color
> and font in your html code, so as long as you know what you want you
> should be fine. Am I missing something?
> Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 22, 2012, at 4:09 PM, Ashley Bramlett <bookwormahb at earthlink.net>
> wrote:
>> Amy,
>> Thanks. I already plan to work with the professor in office hours. They
>> did install jaws in the lab we are using.
>> She taught us to use notepad. But, I don't know if jaws will tell me the
>> background colors and color of font. Maybe I will need a sighted person
>> to
>> do this with me?
>> Ashley
>> -----Original Message----- From: Amy Sabo
>> Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 12:06 AM
>> To: 'National Association of Blind Students mailing list'
>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] my IT class and html questions
>> Hello Ashley,
>> To answer some of your it and html questions here's my views and what I
>> somewhat know.
>> As for doing stuff in html I did it in notepad since that's how my
>> exboyfriend does his web page but, when it came to doing the layout and
>> all I couldn't make it look professionally.. I know all of this because
>> when I was at ucd I took a web design class and, I had this problem
>> myself. I unfortunately, had to drop the class since I couldn't get a
>> tutor/reader for the class and, the classroom that we were using for the
>> class was one of the computer labs on campus and the network
>> administrator
>> wouldn't let me use a software/or let me put jfw on a certain computer
>> with a software package to make the software accessible for me to do the
>> work in the class. So, make sure that your professor/network
>> administrator
>> will let you do this! Also, work as much if you can at home with the
>> manual and, also work with the professor at his office hours for his
>> expertise on how it's looking.
>> Besides Microsoft FrontPage there's a software to use web sites with the
>> accessibility with jfw called webtab. Unfortunately, I don't have the web
>> site for it but, if you google it will be able for you rto find it!
>> As for graphics and, all that's something that you will need your prof
>> for
>> or sighted assistance from a classmate too. And, for the manuals for the
>> above products I'm sure that they have accessible manuals and, I'm sure
>> that your prof can provide those for you.
>> As for free sites for providing domain names for you to produce your work
>> I don't know of any of them personally. But, I'm sure that others here on
>> this list can provide that or you can always use your school's server for
>> that. My exboyfriend when he was in college did this before he got his
>> own
>> domain name which was fine but, not everyone could access it and, if you
>> want all access that might not be for you.
>> I hope this information is helpful for you with your it class. Take care
>> and good luck with it!
>> Hugs,
>> amy
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On
>> Behalf Of Ashley Bramlett
>> Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2012 9:20 PM
>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>> Subject: [nabs-l] my IT class and html questions
>> Hi all,
>> As you might remember I’m in an introduction computer concepts class. I
>> want the knowledge to be a wise computer consumer and user. We are
>> learning about computer components like the CPU and motherboard and types
>> of memory.
>> We also have to learn basic html and website design. We publish these
>> small webpages on our school server eventually. That is just one of many
>> assignments; we also go over the microsoft office suite.
>> So my questions for those familiar with website making.
>> 1. What software do you publish with? I’m curious. I know many are not
>> accessible. Maybe microsoft office front page?
>> We are taught to write the html codes in notepad and save it as a html
>> file.
>> We don’t need software for the class.
>> Also, any accessible tutorials about html or website design? Our
>> professor
>> gave some to us, online tutorials. I’ll see if they’re readable with
>> jaws.
>> 2. How do you handle the visual stuff such as graphics, color of text,
>> and
>> background color? Will jaws read the colors when you open it up in a web
>> browser? I suspect you just have to see it with low vision if you have it
>> or ask a sighted person.
>> 3. What is the difference between hyperlinks with relative and absolute
>> paths? My instructor doesn’t explain much about the codes; we just look
>> at
>> the lab assignment and type it in. There is a code for each hyperlink put
>> in.
>> 4. Any tips for learning the color and font system called CSS, cascading
>> style sheets? Do I just memorize the codes and what they mean. Not that
>> we
>> are getting that fancy though.
>> 5. Are there free places to publish websites? I do not think you have to
>> purchase web software or a website domain. Doesn’t google have something
>> free? I doubt I’ll publish, but wanted to know in case I decide to make
>> websites in the future.
>> I’m using Word to read the lab assignment and find it challenging to
>> remember all the code and type it in exactly as it says in notepad. I do
>> a
>> few words and characters at a time. What is interesting to me is that
>> there are six types of heading levels; 1 is the biggest and six the
>> smallest.
>> So one number in the code makes a difference! the code is <h1> or a 2 for
>> heading 2.
>> Thanks.
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Nimer Jaber, IC³ and Freedom Scientific JAWS Certifications
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