[nabs-l] Fwd: Alternative Spring Break Innovation Challenge with Teach For America & Zappos Family of Companies
Nallym Bravo
nbrav003 at fiu.edu
Tue Jan 24 19:20:33 UTC 2012
Hello all,
Just passing this along, sounds like a great way to make a difference and gain some valuable experience.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: NSCS <nscs at opportunities.nscs.org>
> Subject: Alternative Spring Break Innovation Challenge with Teach For America & Zappos Family of Companies
> Date: January 23, 2012 6:32:08 PM EST
> To: nbrav003 at fiu.edu
> Reply-To: nscs at opportunities.nscs.org
> Are you passionate about and driven by the objective of expanding opportunities for all children, especially in low income communities?
> Join Teach for America for a memorable and potentially revolutionary spring break in the Las Vegas Valley, March 18th – March 24th, 2012.
> Apply by January 29th at 5pm PDT / 8pm EST to be one of 25 students invited to attend an all expenses paid alternative spring break trip. http://tinyurl.com/84nrq6z
> Qualifications:
> A current freshman, sophomore, or junior who can attend a spring break between March 18th and March 24th.
> Risk-friendly and open to trying out new approaches or taking less-familiar pathways.
> The Teach For America – Las Vegas Valley & the Zappos Family of Companies Alternative Spring Break will spark bold, new innovations that expand opportunities and close the achievement gap in the Las Vegas Valley community.
> Programming will include travel, all meals, activities, and housing, which will be with current Las Vegas Valley corps members. Participants will continue the spirit of social innovation and tackle community, school, and business challenges in Las Vegas with the Zappos Family of Companies, Teach For America corps members and staff, and other Las Vegas Valley community leaders.
> Learn more and apply today! http://tinyurl.com/84nrq6z
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