[nabs-l] the I CAN Foundation to award a Victor Reader Stream to a deserving Maryland School for the Blind graduating senior

Chris Nusbaum dotkid.nusbaum at gmail.com
Thu Jan 26 22:02:02 UTC 2012

HELLO all,

The I C.A.N.  Foundation is launching an annual program, where we 
will award a Victor Reader Stream digital talking book player 
from HumanWare to a deserving graduating senior from the Maryland 
School for the Blind (MSB.) To be eligible for the gift, a 
student must have a completed application, with teacher 
recommendation, and must demonstrate the ability to use and to 
take proper care of the technology, as well as being a graduating 
senior from the Maryland School for the Blind.  Although the 
student does not have to be going to college, they must 
demonstrate in the written essay part of their application how 
they will use the Stream in their future after graduating from 
high school.

Attached you will find the application in a Word 2003 (DOC) file.  
If you can't open the file and need it in some other format, 
please let me know and I will send you a plain text (TXT) or rich 
text (RTF) file of the application.  All applications and teacher 
recommendation forms must be completed and mailed to the address 
provided on the application or emailed to ican4kids at gmail.com by 
April 30, 2012.  If you have any questions, please contact the I 
CAN Foundation through the contact us form on our Web site, which 
is www.icanfoundation.info.  Please feel free to pass this 
information along to anyone who may benefit from it.  We look 
forward to reading many applications and awarding the Stream to 
someone who deserves it!
Thank you,

Chris Nusbaum
Board Member
The I C.A.N.  Foundation: Helping Blind and Visually Impaired 
Children in Maryland Say "I Can!"
Web Site: www.icanfoundation.info
Foundation Email: ican4kids at gmail.com

"The real problem of blindness is not the loss of eyesight.  The 
real problem is the misunderstanding and lack of education that 
exists.  If a blind person has the proper training and 
opportunity, blindness can be reduced to a mere physical 
-- Kenneth Jernigan
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