[nabs-l] Fwd: [Nfbnet-members-list] Fwd: National Federation of the Blind Urges Boycott of Goodwill Industries
Gabe Cazares
gcazares10 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 9 00:46:30 UTC 2012
Hi All,
I too read the press release with much interest, because a very good
non-disabled friend of mine is the Youth Program Director for the Goodwill
in her area. I concur with the point that Arielle makes, in fact, I plan on
talking with my friend to see what the status is for disabled employees in
her region, I am a definite supporter of fair wages, but I too believe that
we can also take this opportunity to educate and create awareness among the
local leaders of this company. If Goodwill receives pressure to compensate
its disabled workers from us, as well as from within its own ranks, then
perhaps the outcome we desire will be reached much sooner.
It's mind boggling to know that even now, in the twenty first century, the
practice of paying people less than the minimum wage is allowed, and not
only that, protected by law.
Gabriel M. Cazares, 1st Vice President
Texas Association of Blind Students - TABS
-----Original Message-----
From: nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Arielle Silverman
Sent: Friday, June 08, 2012 5:03 PM
To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
Subject: Re: [nabs-l] Fwd: [Nfbnet-members-list] Fwd: National Federation of
theBlind Urges Boycott of Goodwill Industries
Hi all,
I read this release with great interest because my friend's mother works at
Goodwill with some of the disabled employees. My friend has a disability too
and is very supportive of the Fair Wages Act, so I asked her if she knew
anything about the wages that Goodwill pays its workers. She made a good
point, which is that the low wages might only be a problem in some Goodwill
branches, not at all branches. She seems to think the wages are not
centralized. Instead of just boycotting the national franchise, it might be
wise to do a little research and email someone at your local branch to find
out if they do in fact pay their workers below the minimum wage. This would
also be a good opportunity for us to educate local decisionmakers about the
importance of fair wages and to commend those who do pay appropriate wages
to their disabled workers.
On 6/8/12, Sophie Trist <sweetpeareader at gmail.com> wrote:
> I forwarded it to a lot of my offlist, non-blind contacts in hopes
> that they will take up the boycott as well. We need to spread this!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Stephanie H. DeLuca" <sjhhirst at gmail.com
> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>,Elizabeth Dong <elizdong at gmail.com>, Thuy Tuong
> Nguyen <tweety.86 at gmail.com>,Kristian Kaufmann
> <khanyisokaufmann at gmail.com>, Meryl Harsadi <mharsadi at gmail.com>,Julia
> Koehler <julia.koehler at vanderbilt.edu>, Mom <laurie.lk at hotmail.com>,
> Alice DeLuca <alice at solynx.com Date sent: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 10:22:29
> -0500
> Subject: [nabs-l] Fwd: [Nfbnet-members-list] Fwd: National Federation
> of theBlind Urges Boycott of Goodwill Industries
> So this is interesting....
> In the field of observation, chance favors only the prepared mind.
> ~Louis Pasteur, lecture 1854
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: David Andrews <dandrews at visi.com
> Date: Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 11:37 PM
> Subject: [Nfbnet-members-list] Fwd: National Federation of the
> Blind Urges
> Boycott of Goodwill Industries
> To: nfbnet-members-list at nfbnet.org
> *
> *
> Chris Danielsen
> Director of Public Relations
> National Federation of the Blind
> (410) 659-9314, extension 2330
> (410) 262-1281(Cell)
> cdanielsen at nfb.org
> *National Federation of the Blind Urges Boycott of Goodwill
> Industries*
> *Condemns Practice of Paying Subminimum Wages to Workers with
> Disabilities*
> *Baltimore, Maryland (June 7, 2012):* The National Federation of
> the
> Blind<http://www.nfb.org/>(NFB), one of the oldest and largest
> organizations of Americans with
> disabilities, today called for a boycott of Goodwill Industries
> International, Inc., the nonprofit manufacturer and retailer, for
> its
> payment of subminimum wages to many of its workers with
> disabilities.
> Freedom of information requests filed by the NFB confirmed that
> Goodwill
> Industries employees have been paid as low as $1.44 an hour. The
> NFB and over
> forty-five other
> organizations<http://nfb.org/Images/nfb/documents/word/HR_3086_Su
> pport_List_2.doc>support
> legislation, the Fair
> Wages for Workers with Disabilities
> Act<http://nfb.org/Images/nfb/SI/Fair%20Wages%20for%20Workers%202
> 012.pdf>(H..R.
> 3086), which would phase out and then repeal the nearly
> seventy-five-year-old provision of the Fair Labor Standards Act
> that
> permits special certificate
> holders<http://www.dol.gov/whd/specialemployment/CRPlist.htm>to
> pay
> subminimum wages to workers with disabilities.
> Dr. Marc Maurer, President of the National Federation of the
> Blind<http://www.twitter.com/nfb_voice>,
> said: "Goodwill Industries is one of the most well-known and
> lucrative
> charitable organizations in the United States, yet it chooses to
> pay its
> workers with disabilities less than the federal minimum wage.
> While this
> practice is currently legal and many entities engage in it, many
> other
> nonprofit organizations have successfully transitioned to paying
> their
> employees the minimum wage or higher. That Goodwill Industries
> exploits
> many of its workers in this way is ironic, because its president
> and chief
> executive officer is blind. Goodwill cannot credibly argue that
> workers
> with disabilities are incapable of doing productive work while
> paying its
> blind CEO over half a million dollars a year. Goodwill should be
> ashamed
> of such blatant hypocrisy. We are calling upon all Americans to
> refuse to
> do business with Goodwill Industries, to refuse to make donations
> to the
> subminimum-wage exploiter, and to refuse to shop in its retail
> stores until
> it exercises true leadership and sound moral judgment by fairly
> compensating its workers with disabilities."
> For more information on this critically important issue, please
> visit
> www.nfb.org/fairwages.
> *###
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *
> *About the National Federation of the Blind
> *
> With more than 50,000 members, the National Federation of the
> Blind is the
> largest and most influential membership organization of blind
> people in the
> United States. The NFB improves blind people's lives through
> advocacy,
> education, research, technology, and programs encouraging
> independence and
> self-confidence. It is the leading force in the blindness field
> today and
> the voice of the nation's blind. In January 2004 the NFB opened
> the
> National Federation of the Blind Jernigan Institute, the first
> research and
> training center in the United States for the blind led by the
> blind.
> *
> *
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