[nabs-l] Fwd: NABS Notes for May
Darian Smith
dsmithnfb at gmail.com
Sun Jun 10 02:09:54 UTC 2012
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sean Whalen <nabs.president at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 2 Jun 2012 15:21:34 -0400
Subject: NABS Notes for May
To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
Good afternoon,
Please find attached, as well as pasted below, the NABS monthly
bulletin for May.
NABS Notes
May 2012
In this edition of NABS’ monthly bulletin:
1. Convention Rundown
2. Win an iPad 3, Serotek's DocuScan Plus, or Sweet iPhone Accessories
3. You Like Facebook?
4. Congratulations to Oklahoma
5. State Updates
6. Meeting Minutes
Convention Rundown
National Convention is but one short month away, and, as part of the
festivities in Dallas, NABS will be hosting three events of which we
would like to make all of you aware.
On Saturday June 30 from 9:00pm to midnight, NABS will be hosting an
open house social in the Affiliate Action Suite, room 2372 (located on
the tower side of the hotel(. This is a great opportunity to come out
and chat with fellow students and meet new people. Plenty of NABS
board members and state division leaders will be on hand as well. So
if you have ideas about what you would like to see NABS doing or how
we might strengthen the organization, definitely bring those along,
too. Free snacks and soft drinks will be provided. Drop in and drop
out whenever you wish, but be sure to drop by!
NABS will, of course, also be holding our annual business meeting. The
meeting will take place from 7:00pm to 10:00 on Sunday, July 1.
Registration will open at 6:15, and the meeting will start promptly at
7:00. This year our meeting will be held in the Stemmons Ballroom in
the Atrium lobby. This is a change from past years in Dallas when our
meeting was on the tower side, so take note and don't autopilot
yourself to the wrong place! We are still finalizing the agenda for
the meeting, and will circulate it as soon as we have it available.
Finally, NABS will be hosting our Monte Carlo fundraiser on Wednesday,
July 4 from 8:00pm to 11:30. The action will be taking place in the
Morocco Room in the Tower mezzanine. For $10 participants will get a
bag of chips to go play Texas Hold'em, blackjack, and other card
games. Bring your friends, or come make some new ones! A cash bar will
be available. Come on out and support your fellow students and the
work we do in NABS!
We are still looking for folks to help out with staffing our exhibit
hall table, as well as with marshalling and Monte Carlo Night. If you
would like to volunteer to help out, please contact convention
logistics coordinator Darian Smith at dsmithnfb at gmail.com.
Volunteering is a great chance to meet new people, and, we dare say,
it can even be fun!
Win an iPad 3, Serotek's DocuScan Plus or Sweet iPhone Accessories
NABS is raffling off a new iPad 3, a DocuScan Plus cloud-based OCR
package, and an iPhone accessories pack, which includes a bluetooth
keyboard, extended battery case and screen protector, this year in
Dallas. The winner will have their choice among the items, and second
and third place winners will choose between the others. Tickets cost
$5, or 5 for $20. If you will not be in Dallas, but would like to
purchase tickets, you can send a check, as well as your name and phone
number or email address, to:
Sean Whalen
320 23rd St S
Apt. 826
Arlington, VA 22202
Checks must be received in the mail by Wednesday June 27 to be assured
entry. Cash or money orders will be accepted as well.
If you would like to assist NABS with the sale of tickets, please send
an email to Sean Whalen at nabs.president at gmail.com, or give him a
call at 608 332-4147, and we will get you hooked up!
You Like Facebook?
So, do you have mad Facebooking skills? Are you looking for a way to
help strengthen chapters and affiliates of the NFB? Well, then we've
got an opportunity for you! The NFB Communications Committee is
undertaking a project to get all NFB affiliates and chapters up on
Facebook by the end of 2012. In order to achieve this worthy goal, the
committee is looking for people who would be willing to assist.
Knowing that students are all about the book, the committee reached
out to NABS to enlist our support. If anybody would be willing to help
by building Facebook pages, maintaining them, or training others on
how to do either, your help would be most appreciated. If you have
interest in this project, or if you simply have questions, please
contact Sean at nabs.president at gmail.com or 608 332-4147. This is a
great way for NABS to offer our talents and skills to the movement, so
let's get as many FB gurus on this project as possible!
Congratulations to Oklahoma
We are excited to announce that the Oklahoma Association of Blind
Students has recently come into being! Congratulations to President
Eric Holland and the entire board on being elected. Special thanks go
out to Trey Lewis and NFB of Oklahoma President Jeannie Massay for
working to make this newest division of NABS happen. We look forward
to working closely with the OK students!
State Announcements
Note: All announcements are printed below as they were received from
their senders. No effort to edit for content, grammar or clarity has
been made on the part of NABS.
Missouri: The Missouri Association of Blind Students will be selling
raffle tickets during the beginning part of the week of convention -
Saturday through Wednesday afternoon. The raffle is to raise funds to
help kick start this new addition to NABS. The winners of the raffle
(there will be two) will get the exclusive opportunity to have
breakfast in the Presidential suite the morning of Thursday, July 5
with none other than Dr Maurer, President of the National Federation
of the Blind and his wife Patricia. The two winners will be drawn
Wednesday afternoon of convention at 6:00pm, and said winners will be
contacted immediately. Raffle tickets can be purchased from any MABS
member. They will be $2 apiece and one can purchase three for $5.
These members include Bethany Bennington president of MABS Julie
Miginity, Julie Salih, Chris Parsons, and Haley Korff.
North Carolina: The North Carolina Association of Blind Students
(NCABS) would like to begin this announcement by congratulating three
of our students on their graduation in May:
Alan Chase, Treasurer, Master of Education in Special Education
Justin Salisbury, President, Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics
Brice Smith, Bachelor of Arts in Communication: Public Relations
NCABS will be sponsoring two officers to attend the 2012 National
Federation of the Blind Convention in Dallas, Texas. NCABS
prioritizes and supports national engagement in our members and
NCABS is preparing for our second-annual student track at the 2012 NFB
of NC State Convention. Last year, we brought in many presenters for
our student track. This year, we will focus on the talents and skill
sets of members within our division and still include some presenters.
We are considering an Apple product showcase, bead work, and a
discussion of transit systems. We are eager to add anything that will
enhance our experience and are open to suggestions as our programming
continues to evolve. We are most grateful to the board of the NFB of
NC for affording us the opportunity to have a student track at the
state convention and special discounted rates for students to attend
the state convention.
Meeting Minutes
Please find the minutes for NABS’ May 2012 board meeting pasted below.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions,
concerns or suggestions. The NABS Board works for you, and we want to
know how we’re doing! Thanks for reading, and we’ll be back in June.
Sean Whalen
President, National Association of Blind Students
(608) 332-4147
Nabs.president at gmail.com
National Association of Blind Students
Board Meeting Minutes
May 20, 2012
Meeting called to order at 8:40 P.M.
Members Present:
Sean Whalen
Karen Anderson
Darian Smith
Cindy Bennett
Candice Chapman
Meghan Whalen
Committee Reports
Fundraising: Another meeting will be held tomorrow. There is decent
progress in finding items to be raffled at convention. They are
looking to have all of the items by the beginning of June so tickets
can be sold by convention. People do not have to be present to win. A
possible fundraiser would include selling homemade slate holder.
Templates would be brought to convention, and orders would be taken
and sent out.
Membership: they had a math call and the high school committee had a
call about socializing and school dances. There will be a call about
convention, and another may deal with the airport and possibly
combining them. Darian is looking for board members to represent NABS
on the convention call.
Slate: Articles are being collected for the next issue which will come
out a few weeks before convention. There has been a discussion on the
NABS list about a want for financial articles. So we are looking for
anyone knowledgeable about financial aid and college finance issues,
and we are interested in them writing an article.
Website: Progress is being made on the resource list and enhancing
their descriptions. Meghan is thinking of starting a recipe posting on
the website to post easy-to-make/able-to-make in the dorm recipes. The
membership database is almost ready. Sean is working on the
verification process necessary for PayPal.
Southwest: Utah requested a rep, but the request was sent 2 weeks
before their convention, and NABS was unable to affordably send
someone. Tickets were over $450.
Southeast: Florida wants a rep, but the convention is on Memorial Day
weekend. Shelby is unable to go for free, and many flights are booked.
NABS never got an official request. Sean will talk to Nallym before a
final decision is made.
Old Business
Leadership seminar: Sean is working on connecting with Dr. Maurer to
try to finalize the part he will play in the leadership seminar. There
are a lot of financial cutbacks, so that might compromise funding for
the leadership seminar. We are waiting to see if national is going to
be able to cover the cost, and will hold off with further planning
until we have a definite thumbs up that the seminar is still a go.
National convention: Darian and Mica Baugh will take care of the
tabling schedule and gathering volunteers for Monte Carlo, tabling,
and marshals. Monte Carlo will be on July 4.
New Business
Annual business meeting: We have received a few requests for time on
the agenda. A conference call will ensue to discuss the agenda. Much
discussion was held on the election process. Cindy made a motion:
Elections at the 2012 annual business meeting will first be conducted
with a voice vote, and if the winner cannot be determined by a
majority voice vote, then a group of paid sighted counters will be
used to count. Meghan seconded, and the motion passed.
Darian Smith
"To dream what is possible and to put oneself in service of that dream is the
for a life well lived."
- Dr. Peter Benson
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