[nabs-l] new york advice on apartments
Ashley Bramlett
bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Mon May 14 16:53:53 UTC 2012
its illegal to discriminate, but many land lords do it. Anyone know if they
have to let you make accomodations such as replacing inaccessible appliances
with ones you can use?
-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Lester
Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 11:20 AM
To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
Subject: Re: [nabs-l] new york advice on apartments
Your landlords are complying with the ADA, and I applaud them for it!
These guys, aren't!
Blessings, Joshua
On 4/17/12, Gloria G <gloria.graves at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have gotten apartments on my own as a blind person and have had no
> issues.
> The landlords were really open minded and willing to change certain things
> in the apartment to being more accessible for me like putting in a talking
> thermastat.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joshua Lester" <jlester8462 at students.pccua.edu>
> To: "National Association of Blind Students mailing list"
> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 9:59 AM
> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] new york advice on apartments
>> The law states, that they can't discriminate against anyone,
>> regardless of race, orientation, or disability.
>> What's the problem?
>> Someone needs to ask Mr LaBarre, to sue the landlords, in question.
>> With his experience, as a lawyer, it's an easy case to win!
>> Blessings, Joshua
>> On 4/17/12, Brian Hatgelakas <brian.hatgelakas at verizon.net> wrote:
>>> Why would land lords discriminate against blind people? This
>>> discrimination
>>> is illegal. My girl friend is sighted but also is African American. If
>>> she
>>> was discriminated against their would be a tough law suit ahead. If the
>>> Blacks aren't discriminated against anymore why are these practices
>>> still
>>> enacted towards blind people? Those that discriminate against us should
>>> get
>>> in as much trouble as discriminating against a black person.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Wmodnl" <wmodnl at hotmail.com>
>>> To: "National Association of Blind Students mailing list"
>>> <nabs-l at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 17, 2012 8:30 AM
>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] new york advice on apartments
>>>> Good morning. First, are you on any of the federal housing programs
>>>> like
>>>> section 8? On your limited income, that is the only way you both will
>>>> be
>>>> able to obtain an apartment on your own. The other option would be to
>>>> look for roommates to share a place. Good luck with that, when they
>>>> see
>>>> you are blind they are going to run! run! run! or never show an effort
>>>> to
>>>> share the place with you. Forget the fact that there are two of you.
>>>> I apologize in advance for sounding cynical; however, I want to be
>>>> truthful and not sugar cote the truth. Landlords in NYC as well as the
>>>> rest of the USA will not want a blind person, let alone 2 b/c of
>>>> liability
>>>> issues, etc.
>>>> Have a strong presentation, be ready for much rejection. Also be ready
>>>> to
>>>> be offered many many scams. Have someone sighted go with you to make
>>>> shore that what you are being offered is really the offer.
>>>> I remember someone being open to me and showing no issue to my
>>>> blindness.
>>>> When we saw the apartment, everything seemed great. However, the
>>>> sighted
>>>> person told me later to not take it since wholes were up high in the
>>>> walls, mouse droppings were in the rugs, tiles in the bathroom and
>>>> hallway
>>>> were missing with exposed pipes and wires. I called the real-estate
>>>> office later thanking them for insulting me as a person and there
>>>> response
>>>> was one of shock. The representative said in many words that he/she
>>>> wanted me to be grateful for the apartment and that they were "willing
>>>> to
>>>> rent to a blind person" Good luck, I hope all goes well for you, and
>>>> let
>>>> me know what you come up with. You may want to wait on waiting lists
>>>> for
>>>> apartments through HUD or other programs and postpone your move to NYC
>>>> for
>>>> a good number of years.
>>>> William O'Donnell, distributor
>>>> Organo Gold Enterprises, INC.
>>>> www.willsholistics.organogold.com
>>>> Sent from my iPad
>>>> On Apr 16, 2012, at 1:34 PM, "keri" <wvucountrygirl729 at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> greetings,
>>>>> My bf and I are about to move into an apartment in the New York City
>>>>> area.... We both live on SSI for the time being... We are in need of
>>>>> apartment recommendations that we can aford... We are both college
>>>>> students. We prefer Statin Island but are open to suggestions in the
>>>>> city
>>>>> area.
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> keri
>>>>> "Sometimes your nearness takes my breath away; and all the things I
>>>>> want
>>>>> to say can find no voice. Then, in silence, I can only hope my eyes
>>>>> will
>>>>> speak my heart."
>>>>> --Robert Sexton
>>>>> "For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it. For every truth
>>>>> there is an ear somewhere to hear it. For every love there is a heart
>>>>> somewhere to receive it."
>>>>> --Ivan Panin
>>>>> Find that guy that will pick up every piece of your shattered heart &
>>>>> put
>>>>> it back together; Replacing it with a piece of his.
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