[nabs-l] multi platform accessibility on google products is apparently possible was: help at work

Mauricio Almeida mauriciopmalmeida at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 05:50:47 UTC 2012

dear all,

When i started helping some of you with google products, i realized a
few things.
one, i had not used some of the products such as docks for a few
months and so was unaware of themost recent issues. two, there seem to
be ways in which all of these products can be accessible.
here are a few links i found through google that may be proven useful.
I have not tested them yet, but feel free to look and ask any
questions/give your feed back. I will test them in detail tomorrow as
well, but i wanted to give you a reply as quickly as possible.
Chrome vox project:
chromevox explanations and support thread:

I hope this helps, and I apologise for any mistaken feed back I
provided earlier today. the information I gave is still valid for jaws
users using the "old" google docks. once again, I will attempt to be
more specific on my explanations.



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