[nabs-l] food courts and counter restaurants
Herrin, Amber
herrinar at muohio.edu
Sun Sep 2 20:22:15 UTC 2012
Hello all,
Though I am a bit late to this topic, I would add one technique
regarding the drink dispenser.
Rather than fervently praying someone walks passed the fountain as I
reach it, or standing around feeling dumb waiting on someone, I tend
to ask the assistant at the counter a couple of very vital questions:
1-Where is the fountain located from our current position?
About this question: I try to make sure to relate to them in the best
way I can. 'is it in front of you?' ' 'is it to your left?' 'is it to
your right?'
This allows them to feel comfortable giving directions from the way
they're facing rather than struggling to describe everything
backwards. With their response, I am able to flip it around and obtain
the location of the fountain. So if they say that the fountain is to
their right, then I know that since I am facing them and the counter
that they are standing behind, that it is to my left. if it is in
front of them, it is directly behind me. Etc etc.
2-What drinks are on the fountain?
This allows me to choose the drink I would like without naming a
million pops before guessing one that they actually have. Once they
are done listing, I pick one and then I ask the final question.
3-can you describe to me, using the ice dispenser as a starting point,
which dispenser dispenses (insert your drink here.)?
The reason I say ice is because this dispenser typically looks
different, even if the buttons or handles pressed are identical to pop
dispensers. The ice dispenser has to allow ice to fall through, which
has shape and substance. This means that the opening has to be much
larger than that of the drink dispensers, which only dispense liquid.
So if I can use my hand, or, if you are nervous touching random
things, a napkin placed over your hand, to locate the ice dispenser on
the machine, I can then count left or right however many mentioned by
the clerk.
The only other thing about this that you might take note of and ask
about is the location of lids and straws. Often you manage to obtain
your drink alone only to discover that you still need someone to help
you, because you cannot find the lids and straws. Ask this question
before leaving the counter if it is a problem you face. I personally
just check on each end of the machine, because typically, that is
where they are located.
One more thing regarding ice. Sometimes the clerk might have a
dilemma when describing to you about where your pop is because a
machine is so big that it has two or more ice dispensers. Ease their
fears by explaining that you are capable of starting at one end of the
machine and working your way to wherever you need to in order to get
your drink.
Some people are more independent than others about this and it is not
for me to judge one way or another. I offer my personal preferences
because it is my belief that whenever possible, and wherever possible,
I should do as much for myself as I can. Not because others are
unwilling to help me but because it is what is expected of the rest of
society, and if I would like to be treated just like everyone else,
then I should take responsibility for myself and act just like
everyone else.
Just my two-sense.
On 8/16/12, Lavonya Gardner <hotdancer1416 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Try doing a cane, tray,, and communication
> Sent from my iPad
> On Aug 12, 2012, at 21:16, Kirt Manwaring <kirt.crazydude at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ashley,
>> I think most of us have experienced this frustration, to a certain
>> degree. We all have our own ways of dealing with it; I'll tell you
>> what I try and do because, mostly, it works for me. I'm not trying to
>> shove "rebellious independence" down your throat, I'm not saying what
>> works for me will necessarily work for you, but I am saying that I've
>> learned I don't need to have someone there every step of the way
>> guiding me.
>> First, I like to hold my tray in one hand and my cane in the other.
>> This takes practice, I'm still not a pro at it, but after learning and
>> trying the technique for a while I've figured out how to hold a tray,
>> a drink, and a cane all fairly comfortably. LIke I said, it takes
>> some getting used to and it doesn't come over night; it took months at
>> a training center for me to become halfway competent doing it, but it
>> works for me. This does, however, mean I'm not taking somebody's arm
>> if I'm doing it that way. Of course I have someone help me get my
>> dang drink when I order (I suppose I could just randomly test all the
>> drinks until I stumbled upon the right one, but I'm having a hard time
>> fathoming why the hell anybody would want to do that), but I don't
>> really have to go that far out of the way. In fact, most of the time,
>> the person behind the counter offers to just take my drink and fill it
>> for me; I usually politely refuse and ask the kindhearted worker to
>> show me what button I have to push to get the drink I want. In the
>> rare event the cashier just hands me my cup without offering to help
>> (very rare indeed), I listen to where I hear ice clinking in to cups
>> and walk over that way. Nine times out of ten, (maybe even nineteen
>> out of twenty) someone is there and I can just ask that person to help
>> me know what drink is what.
>> As for finding a table, I often just walk around until I bump in to
>> one with my cane. I can usually hear where people are sitting and
>> eating, so I'm not just wandering aimlessly. If I can't find one (or
>> if someone finds me first), I'll ask to be pointed towards an empty
>> table and I'll walk in the direction I'm pointed until I find a place
>> to sit. If someone decides to grab me and take me to an open seat,
>> I'll either make a fool of myself telling the person I'm really ok and
>> I can find it or, sometimes, I just ask them to walk a couple steps in
>> front of me and guide me that way. I usually don't like someone
>> taking my arm unless that person is a close friend who I know I can
>> trust; there are, however, a few acceptions to this rule. (I just
>> showed up to the airport with minutes to spare before my flight home;
>> I had no problem taking the arm of a stranger because I didn't know
>> the area and I didn't have the time to figure it out.)
>> As far as asking for help goes, I do it all the time! Usually, if
>> I'm eating a meal in a food court by myself and I'm done, I'll try and
>> find somebody if I couldn't hear people throwing things away. (most
>> of the time I can't; I'm not that skilled yet! :)) Anyways, that
>> person could either be someone I hear talking at a table or someone
>> behind the counter at a restaurant. I'll say something like "would
>> you mind pointing me to the nearest garbage?" If they offer to take
>> my trash for me, I usually thank them and let them take it. If they
>> do what I asked and point me, then off I go, usually with people
>> giving me directions as I go if I can't find the dang thing. (which
>> is happening less and less, thanks to some fantastic training.)
>> But, most importantly, don't stress about it! If you feel really
>> awkward, chances are it'll show and the people around you will feel
>> even more awkward in kind. If, however, you are confident and
>> enjoying yourself, however you choose to do it, people will generally
>> be more responsive and helpful.
>> Oh, one last thing that I learned in training. (I feel like an
>> idiot for not thinking of this before) If you aren't sure where
>> someone is directing you, point to where you think it is. That way
>> people will be able to confirm that you are right or just move your
>> hand so you're pointing in the right way. That also works, sometimes,
>> when people seem to not feel comfortable giving you directions.
>> Simply point somewhere (even somewhere random if you have no clue) and
>> ask, with a smile, "you mean that way?" Then, all of a sudden, people
>> know how to explain it to you.
>> I hope I'm not coming off as dedactic or self-rightious. I don't
>> intend to. I guess alll I'm trying to say is I've found a way that
>> works for me, find one that works for you (whatever it is)and enjoy
>> yourself! That is, after all, the point. Right?
>> Best,
>> Kirt
>> On 8/12/12, David Dodge <daviddod at buffalo.edu> wrote:
>>> It makes a great deal of sense. However, I would argue that immediate
>>> help
>>> is rarely as valuable or enduring as that help which takes time.
>>> David
>>> ----------------------------------
>>> David Dodge
>>> Diversity in Disability Planning Committee Chairperson
>>> English Major
>>> University at Buffalo
>>> 306 Clemens Hall
>>> Buffalo, NY 14260
>>> daviddod at buffalo.edu
>>> On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 8:37 PM, Carly Mihalakis
>>> <carlymih at comcast.net>wrote:
>>>> Hi, David,
>>>> It is true, we do help when we are able, like by widening people's
>>>> threshholds, and convictions, and expanding what is believed to be
>>>> possible, yet, the ways in which we are able to help, often are not as
>>>> immediate as the kind of momentary, on-the-spot,help from which we are
>>>> likely to benefit. Does that happened to make any kind of sense?wrote:
>>>>> Thanks, Carly. But, I would even say our chances to help others are
>>>>> more
>>>>> than just few. Everyone has talents and knowledge and we are
>>>>> responsible
>>>>> for using them to help ourselves and others just like anyone else.
>>>>> David
>>>>> ------------------------------**----
>>>>> David Dodge
>>>>> Diversity in Disability Planning Committee Chairperson
>>>>> English Major
>>>>> University at Buffalo
>>>>> 306 Clemens Hall
>>>>> Buffalo, NY 14260
>>>>> daviddod at buffalo.edu
>>>>> On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 8:10 PM, Carly Mihalakis <carlymih at comcast.net
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Glad to see David's approach to giving, and receiving, assistance
>>>>>> seems
>>>>> a
>>>>>> bit healthier. Because, it is true, Ashley, in cases in which we are
>>>>> able
>>>>>> to help which granted, are few, we do it gladly. When sighted people
>>>>>> see
>>>>>> the blind person struggling o do what he routinely takes for granted,
>>>>>> instinctively, a first thing they wanna do is lend a hand. It's part
>>>>>> of
>>>>>> being a member of society.
>>>>>> Fact is, you are lacking same access to the senses as everyone else,
>>>>>> that's a fact. So, one would argue, there's nothing whatsoever wrong
>>>>> with
>>>>>> accepting help, once in a while. Remember, ol' Sighty cares not about
>>>>> your
>>>>>> motives for proving yourself by being completely, solo in this here
>>>>> world.
>>>>>> Dodge wrote:
>>>>>>> Try to feel grateful and not bad about asking people for help when
>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>> give it to you. After all, people ask you for help in different
>>>>> situations
>>>>>>> and you kindly give it to them too right?
>>>>>>> David
>>>>>>> ------------------------------****----
>>>>>>> David Dodge
>>>>>>> Diversity in Disability Planning Committee Chairperson
>>>>>>> English Major
>>>>>>> University at Buffalo
>>>>>>> 306 Clemens Hall
>>>>>>> Buffalo, NY 14260
>>>>>>> daviddod at buffalo.edu
>>>>>>> On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 7:33 PM, Ashley Bramlett
>>>>>>> <bookwormahb at earthlink.net>****wrote:
>>>>>>>> true, I find other customers help me. I kind of feel bad about
>>>>>>>> asking
>>>>>>>> though and like it when they ask me first.
>>>>>>>> I feel by asking, I'm kind of obligating them to help before going
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> their table or carrying their food away.
>>>>>>>> Oh, well, I need the help.
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message----- From: Carly Mihalakis
>>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012 7:23 PM
>>>>>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list ; National
>>>>>>>> Association of Blind Students mailing list
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] food courts and counter restaurants
>>>>>>>> Hi, Ashley,
>>>>>>>> If the personel behind the counter are
>>>>>>>> too busy to help, other customers are often also
>>>>>>>> more than happy to grab you a napkin or throw
>>>>>>>> away your garbage./12/2012, Ashley Bramlett wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi carley, In food courts, that is not always my experience.
>>>>>>>>> Perhaps
>>>>>>> its
>>>>>>>>> where I live. Like you, I may plan ahead about the menu thing. For
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> drinks thing, they do help me if I ask for it, but they seem busy
>>>>> and
>>>>>>> I may
>>>>>>>>> have to wait a few minutes. The staff are busy taking orders,
>>>>> filling
>>>>>>> them,
>>>>>>>>> and taking money from customers. Often, they just seem too busy to
>>>>> help
>>>>>>>>> out; so, a friendly customer in line offers to assist me and I
>>>>>>>>> take
>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>>> They read the drink options and I pick one I want. Some places
>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> bottle
>>>>>>>>> drinks and I find these easier. In this case, they can just hand
>>>>>>>>> me
>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> bottle as they hand me the food too. I'm glad you have found the
>>>>> staff
>>>>>>>>> helpful because they should be as an accomodation. Ashley
>>>>> -----Original
>>>>>>>>> Message----- From: Carly Mihalakis Sent: Sunday, August 12, 2012
>>>>> 7:02
>>>>>>> PM
>>>>>>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list Subject:
>>>>>>>>> Re:
>>>>>>>>> [nabs-l] food courts and counter restaurants Hi, Ashley, If I know
>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>>> be visiting a particular restaurant who has their menu Online, I
>>>>>>> definitely
>>>>>>>>> read it, selecting what sounds good ahead of time. If such a menu
>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>>> available I just ask the folks behind the counter, or on the floor
>>>>> to
>>>>>>> read
>>>>>>>>> it. As for the food court, the host personnel who seat me, are
>>>>> usually
>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>>> than happy to help out by carrying, even getting the drink. After
>>>>> all,
>>>>>>>>> that's what there there for right? CarHi all, Food courts are
>>>>> crowded
>>>>>>> noisy
>>>>>>>>> places. They hand you the food on a tray. But often the customer
>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>> to get
>>>>>>>>> their own drink from a row of drink spickits. I am talking about
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> row of
>>>>>>>>> them where the cups are at the end and the drinks are gotten by
>>>>>>> pressing
>>>>>>>>> something to release the liquid. So any tips on them? How do you
>>>>> deal
>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>>> these drink areas? Does someone help you? I suppose you could
>>>>> memorize
>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>>> if you went there before. How do you find an empty table since
>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>> hands
>>>>>>>>> are full with the tray, unless you ask someone to carry it for
>>>>>>>>> you.
>>>>>>> Then,
>>>>>>>>> how do you find the trashcan? Do you explore where the trashcans
>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> before
>>>>>>>>> you get your food? Do you ask someone to read the menu to you
>>>>>>>>> while
>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>> line, or do it beforehand? Some venues have their menu online
>>>>>>>>> which
>>>>> I
>>>>>>> use
>>>>>>>>> if possible; other times they don̢۪t. Next, how do you deal with
>>>>>>>>> restestaurants requiring you to order at the counter and pick it
>>>>>>>>> up
>>>>> at
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> counter? A fast food place usually gives you the food right there
>>>>>>>>> at
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> counter. You do not sit and wait. So that isn̢۪t an issue. If I
>>>>>>> have to
>>>>>>>>> say, waiwait for fries, I do so right at the counter, as anyone
>>>>>>>>> else
>>>>>>> would.
>>>>>>>>> Restaurants where you do this include: Johnny Rockets in some
>>>>> locations
>>>>>>>>> deli places such as Philadelphia mikes Fudruckers Corner Bakery
>>>>>>>>> How
>>>>> do
>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>> find the counter and locate your seat? For me, I̢۪m not good at
>>>>>>>>> revreversing routes, and all tables look the same! I̢۪m am
>>>>>>>>> asking
>>>>>>> since I
>>>>>>>>> may order at such a restaurant with a blind friend and could use
>>>>> some
>>>>>>> tips
>>>>>>>>> on this. Thanks. Ashley ______________________________****
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Amber R. Herrin
e: herrinar at muohio.edu
P: (513) 593-5855
More information about the NABS-L
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