[nabs-l] Introductory statistics textbook to donate

Lindsay Yazzolino lindsay3.14 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 9 22:46:46 UTC 2012

Hi ALl,

I have an incomplete set of Braille introductory college statistics textbooks that I am hoping to donate. Unfortunately, there are a number of volumes missing, but since it was Brailled within the past three years I'm guessing that it may be possible to reorder the missing volumes from the transcribing agency, though if so I'm not certain of how much this would cost. The book comes with a probability review supplement and I'd be happy to include some additional lecture material from my professor if interested. Please feel free to contact me offlist. Thanks.


Lindsay Yazzolino
Program Coordinator,
 Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
Research Assistant, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Phone: (425) 417-9239
Lindsay3.14 at gmail.com

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