[nabs-l] the test accomodations
justin williams
justin.williams2 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 30 04:14:06 UTC 2013
Where did you have your exam; in braille, or on the braille note?
-----Original Message-----
From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Kaiti Shelton
Sent: Wednesday, May 01, 2013 12:00 AM
To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
Subject: Re: [nabs-l] the test accomodations
Certainly taking the tests in class is the least complicated route, although
for Ashley it sounds like her office is uptight about a lot of things,
monitoring how tests are administered and taken being one of them.
Ashley, good for you for taking future students into account; it's
unfortunate that you've had so many issues with the ds office at your
school, but hopefully future students won't have these same issues.
One point I'd like to clarify, is that it is possible to take a test on a
BrailleNote, even if there is a scantron sheet. I did this all through high
school and continue to do it when I have multiple choice questions in
college. Basically as long as you can read the multiple choice answers you
just write the letter down like this:
1. A.
2. B.
3. D.
Although your school seems kind of uptight about doing even little things
themselves, I've never had a problem with just handing a teacher or
professor a print out or flashdrive with my test on it and them grading it
from there. Some fill out the scantron sheet for me, which I've seen done
and only takes them a few seconds. Others can just look at their answer key
and grade directly off of your letter answers. It just depends on what
method works best for them, but either way it shouldn't be a big deal.
Also, about the embossing, they could definitely do something about it. My
music department hired two students to transcribe braille music for me and
they picked up on the software and how to use the embosser pretty quickly,
and I think Duxberry is probably less complicated than Goodfeel for most
visual people. They could even hire a student to do it; it would take the
embossing responsibilities off of their hands, give a student an easy job,
and give you the material you want or need in braille format. You would
also be able to cut out the middle man of the ds office here, as you could
directly correspond with the embosser to tell them what you need embossed
and when. (E.G, when I need something embossed I either email an attachment
or take my music to one of the guys who does my braille music transcription,
and he'll either email me the electronic file back if I want to edit it or
go through it on my computer, or give the embossed copy to me or to one of
our professors to give to me in class if I'm not around.). From your
descriptions of your ds office I'm not sure how receptive they would be to
that idea, or if they even give students campus jobs at all, but it's a
On 4/30/13, Jane <juanitatighan at gmail.com> wrote:
> Lots of tests I did via email or in offices, or sometimes in Learning
> Labs that departments ran. Some classes had open book tests made for
> me, but those were a lot harder than you'd think--and I wasn't the
> best person at taking notes ...
> I used to take some of my American Lit tests in my professor's office.
> It had its benefits--like bananas, or water, or crackers. Besides, the
> prof could keep an eye on me and make sure I didn't go into labor
> (literally) in his office. He would read me the test to copy down and
> then I'd have an hour to answer the questions--just like the rest got.
> In lit classes, I either knew the answers or I didn't. Actually, for
> most of my classes, I either knew the material or I didn't. The only
> time I needed anything close to extra time, that I can remember, was
> Math classes, and I tried not to use that very often, because again, I
> either knew the steps to solve problems or I didn't. I took advantage
> of extra time on Math finals, though, because the prof explicitly told
> me he didn't mind if I did, and he wanted me to have a good shot.
> You'd think it wouldn't take over two hours to do 25 problems, but it
> did with my anxieties. Ad we're not talking about hard stuff, very basic
algebra, remedial math courses.
> Jane
> On Apr 30, 2013, at 10:14 PM, "Ashley Bramlett"
> <bookwormahb at earthlink.net>
> wrote:
>> Arielle,
>> That's a good idea if it works for you. I never have done exams in
>> class in college; I need extended time and well it just did not seem
>> fair to me to ask to do an exam on my personal equipment anyway.
>> Anyway, I also like the idea of using a TA's office if your class has
>> one.
>> Thanks for sharing.
>> Ashley
>> -----Original Message----- From: Arielle Silverman
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 10:02 PM
>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] the test accomodations
>> I've never taken a test in a professor's office; I've always done it
>> in class with the other students, either on my Braille Note or laptop.
>> One time I did the test in the teaching assistant's office on my
>> Braille Note so she could describe diagrams to me. I know that's not
>> an option for Ashley, but just putting out there for others.
>> Arielle
>> On 4/30/13, Ashley Bramlett <bookwormahb at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>> Kaiti,
>>> I've never used the braille note for tests as I said before. I was
>>> told by the school to go to the testing center and use their
>>> computer.
>>> However, if I did use the Braille note, I'd still need a reader to
>>> write my answers on a scantron. If it was essay, I'd
>>> simply write the essay in the file.
>>> Also, I'm glad taking tests in the professor's office works for you.
>>> However, when I requested to do this in the past, they say that they
>>> are busy or something.
>>> I agree with you that your way sounds uncomplicated.
>>> I'll definitely consider taking future exams in my professor's
>>> office again
>>> if I take more classes; I should be finishing my certificate now though.
>>> I could see that its easy; simply taking it on a notetaker or laptop.
>>> Regarding the brailling of the test, I agree with you.
>>> The process is incredibly easy with Duxbury which is the software
>>> the school
>>> has, or used to have.
>>> Its not rocket science.
>>> The counselor should know a little about technology for blind people
>>> having
>>> been a prior vr counselor at the department for the blind here.
>>> When you said,
>>> "Perhaps your councelor isn't aware of how simple the process of
>>> embossing is? You might want to try asking her if she knows how the
>>> process really works and see if she'll be more agreeable to make
>>> braille coppies for you if she knows she doesn't need special
>>> training and that it won't take much of her time."
>>> I can certainly ask her about this. They have student worker staff
>>> in the counseling office and a student could convert it to braille
>>> with duxbury from a Word file.
>>> Personally, I think her claim that no one can braille it because the
>>> assistive technology lab guy left is an excuse.
>>> They could make braille happen if they wanted to with all the staff
>>> and resources they have.
>>> I like the points you made about the ease of embossing and no
>>> special technology knowledge needed. Great points. Maybe that will
>>> change their mind
>>> for the next student that comes along and needs embossing.
>>> Ashley
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Kaiti Shelton
>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 6:37 PM
>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] the test accomodations
>>> Hi Ashley,
>>> I agree with Kirt, Lillie, Arielle, Melissa, etc.
>>> My question is, if you do use the BrailleNote to read your test why
>>> wouldn't you use it to write your answers as well. You could always
>>> flip between the test document and your answer document with the 1 2
>>> 5
>>> 6 and space command, which would cut out the need to have a reader
>>> at all.
>>> In addition to what has been said by others, I think the fewer
>>> number of people you bring into the situation the easier it could
>>> be. For example, if your professor would be okay with you using the
>>> notetaker to read the test and just gave you a flashdrive with the
>>> test on it, you could take the test in their office, put the answer
>>> sheet file on the flash drive when you're done, and instantly hand
>>> the test back to your professor. In my experiences this is the most
>>> uncomplicated way of handling testing situations, and it also
>>> doesn't take other unnecessary people to get the job done. Anyway, I
was just curious.
>>> Also, another note adding to what Lillie said. Your office claims
>>> there is no one to run the software to braille your stuff; have you
>>> told them that all they need to do is take a document and click a
>>> few buttons in Microsoft word and as long as the embosser is on they
>>> really don't need some special person to do it? My university hired
>>> an assistive technology specialist to help with things like checking
>>> accessibility of the blackboard stuff, making sure my math turned
>>> out to be doable, etc, and to do my brailling, but running an
>>> embosser is by no means rocket science and I've even had students
>>> who work the disability office desk and had never even embossed
>>> anything before figure out where to click and emboss documents for
>>> me when she wasn't available. Perhaps your councelor isn't aware of
>>> how simple the process of embossing is? You might want to try
>>> asking her if she knows how the process really works and see if
>>> she'll be more agreeable to make braille coppies for you if she
>>> knows she doesn't need special training and that it won't take much of
her time.
>>> Good luck, from one final exam-taking student to another.
>>> On 4/30/13, Chris Nusbaum <dotkid.nusbaum at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Ashley,
>>>> A serial port should work for this.
>>>> Chris
>>>> Chris Nusbaum, Co-Chair
>>>> Public Relations Committee
>>>> Maryland Association of Blind Students
>>>> Phone: (443) 547-2409
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Ashley
>>>> Bramlett
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2013 1:16 AM
>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] the test accomodations
>>>> Lilly,
>>>> I like that idea. I have an m'power. What cable do you use to hook
>>>> a monitor to the notetaker?
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Lillie Pennington
>>>> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 9:35 PM
>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] the test accomodations
>>>> Out of curiosity. Did the issue of having a monitor hooked up to
>>>> your Braille note ever come up so the professor or whoever could
>>>> see what you were doing and not cheating. I like that system as
>>>> well. It can get dicey with graphics in the file or massive word
>>>> banks.
>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>> On Apr 29, 2013, at 9:11 PM, Arielle Silverman
>>>> <arielle71 at gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> I was a teaching assistant for a large introductory psychology
>>>>> course a few years ago, and was on the other side of the
>>>>> accommodations issue getting disability letters from students who
>>>>> needed extended time or a distraction-free environment for
>>>>> testing. I would send these letters to the instructor who
>>>>> supervised me and he always said he hated working with disability
>>>>> services and much preferred to work out the testing "in-house"
>>>>> between him/me and the student. So I would have students take
>>>>> exams in my office instead of using the testing center because it
>>>>> was less hassle for the instructor that way. If instructors have
>>>>> to go through disability services, they have to prepare their
>>>>> tests early and they also have to often grade the test after everyone
else's because they don't get it from disability services until later.
>>>>> I agree that a Braille Note could be a really good compromise
>>>>> between using a Braille test and using a reader. The prof could
>>>>> give you a text file, you could fill it out on your Braille Note
>>>>> and then turn it back in at the same time as all other students.
>>>>> As others have stated, professors may or may not allow this but
>>>>> the only way to find out is to ask. I used my Braille Note for
>>>>> testing for four semesters and I think in that time only one
>>>>> professor insisted I use DSS instead of using my Braille Note.
>>>>> Arielle
>>>>> On 4/29/13, Ashley Bramlett <bookwormahb at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>>>>> Kirt,
>>>>>> okay; then how do you take the exam? with your own laptop? If
>>>>>> not, how do you read the exam?
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Kirt
>>>>>> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 6:22 PM
>>>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] the test accomodations
>>>>>> Ashley,
>>>>>> It might be worth checking if your professor will let you take
>>>>>> the test outside of the testing center. If your relationship with
>>>>>> her is as good as you say it is, what would be the harm in
>>>>>> asking, at the very least?
>>>>>> Incidentally, many of my professors have recommended that I take
>>>>>> their test
>>>>>> outside of the testing center, even if that's where the rest of
>>>>>> the class takes it.
>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>> On Apr 29, 2013, at 3:57 PM, "Lillie Pennington"
>>>>>> <lilliepennington at fuse.net>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Ashley,
>>>>>>> Are you going to be taking classes after this semester? You may
>>>>>>> want to be thinking in the long term of how your going to be
>>>>>>> fixing these types of problems. For example, if your taking
>>>>>>> another class like this where you may want a Braille copy, how do
you plan to get it?
>>>>>>> Would you be willing to pay with your own money for a Braille test?
>>>>>>> You could look into getting your tests transcribed somehow. You
>>>>>>> could talk to your future professors about this (you'd probably
>>>>>>> have to make arrangements for them to somehow send the test off
>>>>>>> to make sure that you couldn't possibly cheat.) I recall you
>>>>>>> mentioning in another email that you had a Braille note. How
>>>>>>> comfortable are you with electronic files? The professor may
>>>>>>> have an electronic copy of the test and you could load it on
>>>>>>> your Braille note and read from there on your display so you are
>>>>>>> indeed getting a copy in Braille (sort of.) For these tests with
>>>>>>> the foreign language words, and other tests in general, this
>>>>>>> could also iliminate the reader problems your having. I don't
>>>>>>> know if any
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> this would work, I'm just trying to throw out a few solutions
>>>>>>> that I was thinking of.
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>> Ashley Bramlett
>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2013 3:57 PM
>>>>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] the test accomodations
>>>>>>> Hi Justin and everyone,
>>>>>>> Oh how I'd love a braille copy. that would eliminate this
>>>>>>> problem of hearing a reader state these words.
>>>>>>> No, they will not provide braille. They have no one to run the
>>>>>>> braille production anymore; I don't know what the assistive
>>>>>>> technology
>>>> guy left.
>>>>>>> They would have to outsource the brailling and there is no time
>>>>>>> for this.
>>>>>>> Additionally, I asked my disability counselor to get another
>>>>>>> exam brailled last semester. She refused! As I said, she is
>>>>>>> difficult to work with.
>>>>>>> She will do what is minimally required. Her response and
>>>>>>> argument against braille was the following:
>>>>>>> 1. The college is only required to provide access and you can
>>>>>>> read the exam with jaws.
>>>>>>> 2. You are not entitled to your prefered format of an exam.
>>>>>>> 3. No one is available to braille your exam in-house and it is
>>>>>>> not necessary to braille this exam. We won't pay for the
>>>>>>> outsourcing to translate into braille because you have a means
>>>>>>> to access the exam now.
>>>>>>> It was a pr exam btw.
>>>>>>> So, I'm sure I cannot get a brailled exam, even if there was
>>>>>>> enough time.
>>>>>>> She would make the same arguments I believe.
>>>>>>> Ashley
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: justin williams
>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 9:10 PM
>>>>>>> To: 'National Association of Blind Students mailing list'
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] the test accomodations
>>>>>>> At this point, why not. Not a bad idea.
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>> Suzanne Germano
>>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2013 11:51 AM
>>>>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] the test accomodations
>>>>>>> Can they provide you a Braille copy of the test so you can
>>>>>>> follow along with the reader?
>>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 9:34 PM, Arielle Silverman <
>>>>>>> Arielle.Silverman at asu.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>> I really think you will be less stressed and happier if you cut
>>>>>>>> out the DSS middleman, and just work with your professor. As a
>>>>>>>> backup, if the prof is totally unwilling, you can go back to
>>>>>>>> DSS and follow their rules. But you said the prof is helpful,
>>>>>>>> so it's likely he'll be willing to work something out with you
that's fair.
>>>>>>>> Arielle
>>>>>>>> On 4/27/13, Arielle Silverman <arielle71 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> What they mean is "if you take the test in our building you
>>>>>>>>> have to use our readers". The DSS policies don't apply to you
>>>>>>>>> once you step out of their office.
>>>>>>>>> I don't know where other blind students have taken tests with
>>>>>>>>> their private readers, but I'd think you could do it in a
>>>>>>>>> designated testing room in the building where the class is, or
>>>>>>>>> you could go to the professor's office hours and do it there
>>>>>>>>> while the professor is around to ensure you don't cheat.
>>>>>>>>> If you ask the professor, they might be able to offer a reader
>>>>>>>>> who works for the department, like a student worker or an
>>>>>>>>> assistant. I don't know how it works in community colleges,
>>>>>>>>> but I know at my university, the psych department has a huge
>>>>>>>>> support staff. This will help you avoid having to pay out of
>>>>>>>>> pocket, though even then you might end up sacrificing a little bit
on reader quality.
>>>>>>>>> Remember: the DSS policies are binding on the DSS staff, but
>>>>>>>>> they're not binding on you as the student. The only one who
>>>>>>>>> really has control over how you take tests is the professor.
>>>>>>>>> Some professors give their entire classes online exams. That's
>>>>>>>>> their right as professors
>>>>>>> to do.
>>>>>>>>> If the professor trusts you enough to let you use your own
>>>>>>>>> reader, or to use your laptop in class, or any of a number of
>>>>>>>>> other accommodations, that's their decision to make.
>>>>>>>>> Arielle
>>>>>>>>> On 4/27/13, Ashley Bramlett <bookwormahb at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Arielle,
>>>>>>>>>> So you're suggesting that the professor and student which is
>>>>>>>>>> me arrange for
>>>>>>>>>> a private reader I hire to take the exam.
>>>>>>>>>> Where would I take the exam then? I'll have to check if this
>>>>>>>>>> violates school
>>>>>>>>>> policy.
>>>>>>>>>> Are you saying that you know blind students using their own
>>>>>>>>>> readers for exams with no objection from the professor? Where
>>>>>>>>>> would they take the exam and how does the professor ensure
>>>>>>>>>> that you did not cheat then?
>>>>>>>>>> Ashley
>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>> From: Arielle Silverman
>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 11:03 PM
>>>>>>>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] the test accomodations
>>>>>>>>>> No, a DSS office cannot legislate what you do outside of
>>>>>>>>>> their office.
>>>>>>>>>> If you and the professor agree that you will use a reader you
>>>>>>>>>> hired yourself, the DSS office cannot step in and veto that
>>>>>>>>>> arrangement you worked out with your professor. The DSS
>>>>>>>>>> office only has authority if you give it to them by asking to
>>>>>>>>>> take the test in their
>>>>>>> office.
>>>>>>>>>> Hiring your own readers for testing is only a problem if the
>>>>>>>>>> professor has an objection to it. Many professors are quite
>>>>>>>>>> laid-back about things like that, even if they are
>>>>>>>>>> technically not quite in line with school policy.
>>>>>>>>>> Arielle
>>>>>>>>>> On 4/26/13, justin williams <justin.williams2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Sounds like a possible ADA case if it gets to far.
>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>> From: nabs-l [mailto:nabs-l-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of
>>>>>>>>>>> Ashley Bramlett
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 10:21 PM
>>>>>>>>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] the test accomodations
>>>>>>>>>>> Arielle,
>>>>>>>>>>> oOh, um, this is a community college. I'm finished my BA
>>>>>>>>>>> degree but taking classes to further my studies and get a
>>>>>>>>>>> writing certificate. The class
>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>> need a competent reader for is religion.
>>>>>>>>>>> No a TA won't work. Also, Its community college.
>>>>>>>>>>> you make it sound easy. Gee, I do wish I could get my own
>>>>>>>>>>> readers.
>>>>>>>> Gosh.
>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>> can think of like 20 people who would be competent readers
>>>>>>>>>>> and have a clue how to read such a test. But no, they don't
>>>>>>>>>>> allow me to do this.
>>>>>>>>>>> I do indeed have my own readers for studying and reading
>>>>>>>>>>> texts and looking up material and research, but no I cannot
>>>>>>>>>>> bring a reader to the exam. Personally, I think this is a
>>>>>>>>>>> legal
>>>>>>>>>>> matter and they need to change the policy so you can have
>>>>>>>>>>> the option
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>> bring your own competent reader as an accomodation under the
>>>>>>>>>>> ADA.
>>>>>>>>>>> Its not fair, not equal access, and can cause one to get a
>>>>>>>>>>> lower grade using bad readers.
>>>>>>>>>>> Ashley
>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>>>>> From: Arielle Silverman
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, April 27, 2013 7:45 PM
>>>>>>>>>>> To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: [nabs-l] the test accomodations
>>>>>>>>>>> You can also ask the professor if the teaching assistant can
>>>>>>>>>>> read/scribe your exam, if there is one for the class. Most
>>>>>>>>>>> teaching assistants are graduate students or advanced
>>>>>>>>>>> undergraduates in the department and should know the
>>>>>>>>>>> material well, and since they're trusted employees of the
>>>>>>>>>>> professor, they are trusted not to help you cheat. Plus,
>>>>>>>>>>> many TA's have nothing else to do during an exam and would
>>>>>>>>>>> otherwise just be sitting around. If the class has no
>>>>>>>>>>> teaching assistant, as in a community college, maybe the
>>>>>>>>>>> professor could read it for you and scribe your answers
>>>>>>>>>>> during office hours the day before the test or
>>>> some such?
>>>>>>>>>>> I know that blind students have hired their own readers for
>>>>>>>>>>> testing, which allows them to pick people who are competent.
>>>>>>>>>>> Some disability services offices frown on this practice
>>>>>>>>>>> because they prefer to hire and manage readers themselves,
>>>>>>>>>>> but it's an option that's at least worth discussing with
>>>>>>>>>>> your professor, who might not
>>>>>>> care much.
>>>>>>>>>>> Arielle
>>>>>>>>>>> On 4/27/13, Suzanne Germano <sgermano at asu.edu> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> I haven't used readers since I am a partial and use cctv
>>>>>>>>>>>> but when I
>>>>>>>> had
>>>>>>>>>>>> disabled students pay for a chemistry lab aid I insisted
>>>>>>>>>>>> the person
>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>>>>>> chem major and an A student.
>>>>>>>>>>>> So maybe you could find your readers through the department.
>>>>>>>>>>>> And then you interview them by having them read to you.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 27, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Kirt
>>>>>>>>>>>> <kirt.crazydude at gmail.com>
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm in the middle of the nightmare that is transferring
>>>>>>>>>>>>> between colleges, but the college I am leaving almost
>>>>>>>>>>>>> always provided me with
>>>>>>> competent
>>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> capable readers. Sure, they might pronounce a few words
>>>>>>>>>>>>> incorrectly But they knew how to read out loud. I hope I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> don't run into the same problem you are dealing with right
>>>>>>>>>>>>> now and my next college.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Sent from my iPhone
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Apr 27, 2013, at 11:21 AM, "Ashley Bramlett"
>>>>>>>>>>>>> <bookwormahb at earthlink.net>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> As finals approach, I wanted to know what test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> accomodations you get.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you feel they are adaquate and meet your needs?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> If you need a reader and person to scribe your answers on
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> a scantron,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> how are they? Are they competent readers?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm going through a discriminatory situation now. Most my
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> readers were
>>>>>>>>>>>>> incompetent but I got around that by asking them to speak
>>>>>>>>>>>>> slower and repeat things; I mean they could not speak all
>>>>>>>>>>>>> that clearly and read fast
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>>>>>> spoke to the paper not articulately to me. Many exams I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> took with
>>>>>>>> jaws
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>>> avoid this; I feel this way is slower for me and a reader
>>>>>>>>>>>>> can
>>>>>>>> directly
>>>>>>>>>>>>> mark
>>>>>>>>>>>>> my answers on a scantron as well as go back to questions I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> missed.
>>>>>>> If
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>>>>>>> need a reader scribe I should be given a competent reader.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'll tell more about this specific test issue in another
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> message.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Look forward to seeing your responses.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ashley
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>>> --
>>> Kaiti
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