[nabs-l] need to vent and very discouraged right now.

Arielle Silverman arielle71 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 6 01:00:47 UTC 2013

I'm only being a little sarcastic when I suggest telling this man that
he must have wasted his time and money going into the rehab profession
when he is clearly not cut out for the job!


On 12/5/13, NMPBRAT at aol.com <NMPBRAT at aol.com> wrote:
> Hi Melissa,
> I'm sorry that you had such an unfortunate experience but  don't let it get
> you down or your hopes up.  It can be done.  I too  had a similar
> experience with a rehab counselor who told me when I stated I  wanted to
> teach, he
> said it was not considered a "blindness friendly field" and  that I needed
> to
> look at other careers.  I essentially told him he was  wrong and that his
> job was to assist me in whatever area I wanted to  pursue.  I told him that
> I
> didn't want to have a job that I hated, simply  because it was "blindness
> friendly".   He didn't like what I had to  say....and still didn't have a
> great attitude....but he was forced to work with  me...that is, until I had
> the
> fortunate experience of being moved to a  different rehab counselor who was
> totally supportive of what I wanted to  do.
> Fast forward....my degree is in Special Ed. but I have worked  and taught
> both special ed. and regular ed. students over the years.  I am  currently
> in
> my 12th year of teaching in the public schools.   I  actually got my
> teaching job the following school year after I  graduated.  Yes, I was
> fortunate.
> I don't want to say it  was easy...as I did quite a few interviews.....but
> it wasn't impossible  either.  Yes, there were people I interviewed with
> that I could tell just  by how they acted that they weren't too keen on a
> bind
> teacher.  However,  that wasn't the case in every scenario.  In fact, I
> actually turned down 2  teaching jobs before I accepted the third one (for
> various reasons).  I  also have met other blind teachers who have also had
> successful  careers.   And as far as finding a job....I know plenty of
> totally
> able-bodied, well-educated people who have spent many years searching and
> interviewing and can't get a teaching job.  So blind teachers or child care
> workers are not the only ones who struggle sometimes to find a job.  The
> success is more based upon other factors like education level, other
> employment
> experience or volunteer experience (both of which helped me), the need for
> teachers in general in the area where you apply for jobs,  etc.
> I think someone else suggested that you research articles  about blind
> individuals in the teaching field....and I think that was an  excellent
> idea.
> You may just have to educate this individual about  how possible it is.
> It is truly unfortunate that people in these positions have  the negative
> attitudes about what is possible for individuals with disabilities  to be
> successful at....I never have quite understood how or why they  end up in
> these
> positions.
> Just remember.....it's YOUR future.....and you need to make  sure to
> advocate for yourself and what you want your future to be.  I have  never
> regretted once what I said to the counselor I  had.  Although it isn't
> possible
> because he is retired....I have often  wished I could go back and say to him
> "Look at me  now!"
> Don't give up.  It can be discouraging...I totally  understand....but do
> not let it stop you!
> Best wishes,
> Nicole
> In a message dated 12/5/2013 5:47:25 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> lissa1531 at gmail.com writes:
> Took a  napp and processed what happened too me today.  But I am still
> bothered by this episode.  Read on if you like.
> I was very  encouraged and hopeful yesterday during and after my meeting
> with
> the  devision of vocational rehabiletation.  Then this morning the job
> specialest called me.
> He basically told me that if I was hired by a  school or daycare center
> that
> does not serve blind children that I will  not find a job.  And that I
> wasted
> my time and rehab's money.   He also said that it will be a liability for
> anyone to hire me.
> this is  coming from someone who is suppose to believe in me and to be in
> my
> corner.  I don't think this is the case at all, and he hasn't even  met me.
> Still upset and now discouraged.  But have to focus on  finishing school.
> I have worked very hard and been through so much  hell.  I haven't given
> up.
> But But I want to give up and scream for a  while .
> I was so mad.  I plan to tell him so wednesday during  our meeting.
> But by then I plan to be calmed down and handle this with  dignety and
> education and not anger.
> thank you for reading and letting  me vent and share.
> off to finish with school forever.
> Best,
> Melissa  Green and Pj
> I am where I am because I believe in all possibilities.
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