[nabs-l] How to be part of the BrailleNote Association of BlindStudents List

marissa pianogirlforlife7 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 28 08:51:06 UTC 2013

Send an email with "Subscribe" (no quotes) in the subject, with a 
blank message to:
braillenote-requests at freelists.org

 ----- Original Message -----
From: "Helga Schreiber" <helga.schreiber at hotmail.com
To: <nabs-l at nfbnet.org
Date sent: Fri, 27 Dec 2013 23:33:48 -0500
Subject: [nabs-l] How to be part of the BrailleNote Association 
of BlindStudents List

Hi guys, this is Helga.  How are you? I just wanted to ask you, 
how can I become a memberor be part of the BrailleNote list? Just 
wondering, since I have my own BrailleNote device, and I would 
like to be part of them.  Are some of yu here part of the 
BrailleNote list? Just curious! I will really appreciate it, if 
you could tell me how could I be part of them.  Thanks and God 

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