[nabs-l] I believe I have been discriminated against, where to turn for help?

Laurel laurel.stockard at gmail.com
Thu Feb 14 18:32:40 UTC 2013

As my subject says, I believe that I have been discriminated against
by a professor at my university. I am wondering if one of you fellow
listers can tell me where to get help. I had a French professor last
semester. With out making this too long of a story, basically, I have
just found out that she gave me different exams and quizzes than she
gave everybody in the class. She made me do a different and much
harder final exam for example. On the final, I had to go to my
Disability Servic Testing office and answer 4 or 5 questions, in
French of course, one page responses single spaced without use of a
dictionary. I did not know then what everybody else did, I assumed
they did the same as me. I found out yesterday, accidentally, that
what she did was have everybody else come to class and get in groups.
She then gave each group a dictionary, and assigned the groups 1
question each. They then had to answer it and write their answers on
the board. The whole class then discussed each question. All 20
students made 100s on the exam. I made a 74. Had I made an "A" I would
have made an "a" in the class. This is the most major thing she did,
there's a lot of smaller things, but I think I can pin her down on
this one. Where/what NFB resource/resources should I turn to for help?

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