[nabs-l] accessible ebooks for school

Ashley Bramlett bookwormahb at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 7 02:51:19 UTC 2013

Hi all,

I know we often get  books from our disability support service, dss, office.
But, since they are slow in responding, I try to do what I can alone; for instance, I use my own learning ally account as opposed to going through them.

I know more and more books are available via electronic text for all students.
I was wanting to know about this option.
I often use the old fashioned way with readers since I can learn best with a human voice. With a reader, I can get them to spell words, describe the figures, and tell me what is bold or italics. I like to know this since bold or italics mean vocab or important terms.

I like to know all options though.
What books have you read electronically? From where? Which format are they in and what device or devices do you use to read them? We all know the standard ebook readers are not accessible such as Kindle, SonyReader, and  Nook.

I read on here that Course Smart texts became accessible in 2010. Can anyone explain how this service works? Do you rent or buy the ebook? Does the ebook have all pages and page numbers in it just as a print copy would?
Is epub accessible?



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