[nabs-l] Welcome To 2013 And The First Djd Invasion Show Of The Year

djdrocks22180 at audioaccessfm.com djdrocks22180 at audioaccessfm.com
Mon Jan 7 22:41:30 UTC 2013

Hi Everyone!
Welcome to 2013, and the first Djd Invasion of the new year!
It's also my return to New York tonight too, as I've spent quite a bit of
time in Orlando Florida with some dear friends of mine, Will Of The WDJm3
show and his wife Selena.
Joine me at 8 PM eastern, after Pop Tops at 7 PM eastern, for another Djd
Invasion show you won't want to miss. Hear about the trip, our usual mix
of pop ACappela country songs and more.
During the show, your requests are always welcome by email at
daviddunphy at audioaccessfm.com
Via skype at
Or via twitter at
And to listen, join us at
either at 7 PM eastern for Dennis and Pop Tops, or at 8 PM for The Djd
Invasion show!
Hope to see you with us either way tonight!
>From David Dunphy

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