[nabs-l] OT: Calling All Fans Of The Former Hit TV Series From Fox 24

djdrocks22180 at audioaccessfm.com djdrocks22180 at audioaccessfm.com
Mon Jan 21 16:52:49 UTC 2013

I wouldn't normally share this, but it was very special, and thought some
might care.

Hi Everyone!
I've done many different kinds of shows before. Some with different
themes; some with interviews; and of course, I've done my yearly holiday
But tonight on The Djd Invasion, we're going to have some fun.
We'll start out at 8 PM eastern with a very unique blend of songs, each
with a reason for why they're picked, and all unique in their own way. In
fact, we have one set that deals with the almost rise and eventual fall of
old relationships and the beginning of new ones, which includes a one of a
kind track, the first one we've ever played sung in the Hebrew language!

But at 9 PM eastern, anyone like me who enjoyed the tv series 24 is in for
a treat.
I had the pleasure last week of speaking with James Morrison who played
Bill Buchanan on 24 for several years. But he's more than an actor. He
makes documentaries, has his own band and more.
Tune in tonight, as I present some music from his band's first album, as
well as give you the opportunity to hear the interview. I think you'll
find it interesting and fun to hear. I know I enjoyed talking with him,
and I am really appreciative of the time James Morrison gave to Audio
Access FM and to my show.
During the show, I can be contacted either
By email at
daviddunphy at audioaccess.fm
Via skype at
Via twitter at
or if you have my personal twitter, you can reach me at
or give us a call during the show at
516 324 2314

Whether you want to hear the special songs, the interview, or some fun
upbeat tunes along with some requests later on, you can tune in by
The show starts at 8 PM eastern; the interview at 9 PM eastern.
Hope to see you all there!
>From David Dunphy, A K A Djd, host of The Djd Invasion On Audio Access FM

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