[nabs-l] Microsoft Office question
Suzanne Germano
sgermano at asu.edu
Thu Jul 18 18:12:41 UTC 2013
For both VM and bootcamp you need a copy of windows but students get that
free through Dreamspark.
I have my iMac set up with book camp and my macbook with parallels. I
regret doing bootcamp because now I am pretty much stuck with how the drive
is partitioned and I need to give more drive to the windows partition. This
never is a problem using virtual machines with Parallels or vmware.
On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 10:52 AM, Steve Jacobson <steve.jacobson at visi.com>wrote:
> Antonio,
> Thank you for your comments, but as I see it, you pretty much backed up
> what I said rather than contradicting it. <smile> In
> addition to the VM approach, some use a Dual Boot approach as well, and
> what one does is probably more of a technical decision
> rather than one of preference. Depending upon the approach, one might
> also need a copy of Windows. It is certainly an option
> that works, but it isn't likely something Josh is going to do by himself
> in an hour or two.
> Best regards,
> Steve Jacobson
> On Thu, 18 Jul 2013 12:52:56 -0400, Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr. wrote:
> >Steve and all,
> >While I agree that the initial
> >set up for VMWare on the mac can be daunting, I wouldn't discourage the
> practice.
> >VMWare and Windows can be installed with sighted assistance, and accessed
> without major hassle.
> >I would say that continued access to sighted help might be necessary to
> insure you can fix things when they break with VMWare.
> >It is likely Josh will have expert sighted assistance at the school lab.
> >Steve, you said that windows on the Mac is not a simple thing, but it can
> work. I would go a bit further by saying it does work,
> and is likely to work better with time, especially if VMWare is willing to
> make things more accessible.
> >Blind people have more access to the Mac environment than assistive
> technology experts of our day may be comfortable with.
> >There are trainers starting to teach on the Mac, and some have contracts
> with state rehab agencies. One such trainer, John
> Panarese, presented at the AT Trainers meeting at convention this year. I
> have not yet trained with John, but he has given me the
> impression he is highly skilled and professional. I would encourage folks
> to reach out to him to see if they can benefit from
> training.
> >I do not work with John, but recognize the potential contributions he can
> make to my training ad that of others.
> >There is a big learning curve to climb with the Mac, but most people can
> learn it if they can learn the PC environment.
> >Antonio
> >On Jul 18, 2013, at 11:01 AM, Steve Jacobson <steve.jacobson at visi.com>
> wrote:
> >> Joshua,
> >>
> >> Microsoft Office is not accessible on the MAC with VoiceOver. Some
> people set up a virtual Windows machine on the MAC and run
> a
> >> screen reader and Office that way, but it is not a simple thing to do
> even though it can work.
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >>
> >> Steve Jacobson
> >>
> >>
> >> On Wed, 17 Jul 2013 19:33:06 +0000, Joshua Lester wrote:
> >>
> >>> Hi all!
> >>> I'm working on getting my Mac, and I have a question.
> >>> Will Microsoft Office work on it?
> >>> I'm going to have to take an online class this Fall, and Office is
> required.
> >>> Thanks, Joshua
> >>
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