[nabs-l] Fwd: [Mdabs] Calling university Applicants to 3 day Summer Seminar in New York

christopher nusbaum dotkid.nusbaum at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 22:59:25 UTC 2013

FYI – this was sent to the Maryland student division list.

Chris Nusbaum

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

*From:* Shafeka Hashash <shafekah at gmail.com>
*Date:* June 13, 2013, 1:07:30 PM CDT
*To:* ctabs at nfbnet.org
*Cc:* mdabs at nfbnet.org
*Subject:* *[Mdabs] Calling university Applicants to 3 day Summer Seminar
in New York*
*Reply-To:* Maryland Association of Blind Students Mailing List <
mdabs at nfbnet.org>

Please circulate widely

Calling applicants to the 2013 Summer Leadership Training Seminar in

New York during August 12th through the 14th. We are looking for 30

intelligent, driven, and passionate university students with

disabilities looking to be leaders in their campuses and communities.

The two night three day seminar will involve multiple hands-on

workshops with disability rights activists who may teach from

experience. Participants will then be equipped with the knowledge and

energy to lead their own campus wide campaigns promoting full rights,

pay, and integration for all persons. If you are interested in being a

leader who makes great change while working with famous rights

activists and many driven peers, we strongly encourage you to apply.

Please email the attached application form to

njabstudents at gmail.com.

For questions email New Jersey Association of Blind Students

President, Shafeka Hashash, at

snh278 at nyu.edu.

In solidarity,

The New Jersey Association of Blind Students

Shafeka Hashash

Shafeka Hashash

Shafeka Hashash

Shafeka Hashash
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